Age of Sigmar 3.0 Gets Warhammer 40k Rules: New Leaks

age-of-sigmar-3.0New familiar 40k style rules look to be coming in these latest rules leaks for Age of Sigmar 3.0 as we draw closer to pre-order day.

Warhammer 40k style detachment rules look to be on the way for Age of Sigmar that may make army construction even more strategic than ever before.

Plus, we already know the release date, and pricing for the new 3.0 edition of AoS and Dominion Starter box! Meaning these rules will be in your hands in just a few weeks.

Age of Sigmar new rulebookIs this really going to be the best ever? We’ll have to wait and see on that!

Check out the rest of the rule reveals so far below:

Aos Dominion Pricing & Lineup For July

Age of Sigmar 3.0 Gets Warhammer 40k Rules: New Leaks

Spotted on Reddit and then all over the web, are a set of new rules for Age of Sigmar 3.0 rules that may look pretty familiar to Warhammer 40k players:

Core Battalion Rules Age of Sigmar 3.0Core Battalion Rules Age of Sigmar 3.0

This was transcribed over from the comments and makes a handy reference for all the symbols on this new Battalion chart.

Warlord Minimum Requirements:

  • Min Any 1 Leader (Max 2)
  • Min 2 Leader w/ less than 10 wounds (Max 4)
  • Min 1 Troop (Max )Benefit: Both

Benefit: Both

Magnificent: When you pick enhancements for your army (See 27.3) you can pick 1 extra enhancement.

Strategist: Once per battle, when you receive command points at the start of your hero phase, you can receive 1 extra command point.

Battle Regiment

  • Any 1 Leader
  • Optional: Leader w/ less than 10 wounds (Max 2)
  • Min 2 Troop (Max 5)
  • Optional: 1 Non-Leader Behemoth or Artillery


Unified: One-Drop Deployment

kruleboyzGrand Battery

  • Any 1 Leader
  • Min 2 Artillery (Max 3)


Slayers: Once per battle, 1 unit from this battalion can receive the All-Out Attack or Unleash Hell command without the command being issued and without the command point being spent.

Vanguard Requirement:

  • Any 1 Leader
  • Min 1 Troop (Max 3)


Strategist: Once per battle, 1 unit from this battalion can receive the At the double or Forward to Victory command without the command being issued and without a command point being spent

Stormcast Eternals 2Linebreaker

  • Any 1 Leader
  • Min 2 Non-Leader Behemoths (Max 3)


Swift: Once per battle, 1 unit from this battalion can receive the At the Double or Forward to Victory command without the command being issued and without the command point being spent.

Command Entourage

  • Any 1 Leader
  • Min 2 Leader w/ less than 10 wounds (Max 3)

Benefit: (Choose 1)

Magnificent: When you pick enhancements for your army (See 27.3) you can pick 1 extra enhancement.

Strategist: Once per battle, when you receive command points at the start of your hero phase, you can receive 1 extra command point.

Battalion iconsHere’s a quick reference guide to what all the different abilities mean from Warhammer Community.

Choosing Your Battle Type

contest of GeneralsBefore you choose a mission, you need to figure out which battlepack you’ll be using. Battlepacks bundle together a suite of rules – introducing restrictions, determining the size of the battlefield, and dictating the number of units you can bring to the fight. The Contest of Generals battlepack in the Core Book is one such option, designed for matched play. It’s been carefully crafted to make your games as balanced as possible. Take a look at this chart to get a sense of how it’ll work.

This was spotted on Warhammer Community and is an overarching set-up to play your games, how much terrain to use, how many reinforced units you can take, and basically everything else. This will further change how your units are taken and an attempt to balance out the game in one swoop. We covered all this and how the reinforced units will work here, so go check that out for more clarification.

What Does it All Mean?

Taken out of context it’s hard to say for sure, but it appears that from this that battalions are no longer “one drops” unless they have “unified”, and that if you take one of these you get the benefits it lists. Still unclear is what “enhancements are” perhaps artifacts but could even be more Command Points even.

Battlelines are rumored to be unchanged, and even “reinforce-able” now (more on that later), so perhaps having a battleline unit that fits into a battalion will just be helpful from an army construction/ requirement perspective?

What do you think about the new Warhammer 40k style detachment rules that have finally made their way over to Age of Sigmar?

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