AoS Kruleboyz Rules & New Command Abilities

aos-3.0-kruelboyzSome big changes are coming with the new AoS Kruleboyz rules and the overall Command Abilities, check out how it will affect the game!

Warhammer Community just unveiled more of what to expect in the new rulebook, this time how the new Command Abilities will affect your army, the Kruleboyz Killaboss warscroll, and what the Kruleboyz Allegiance Abilities can do. The nice part about these is they are very helpful for not getting screwed by the double turn. Just like all the rules previewed, you will have more chances to do things in your opponent’s turn than ever before. 

The other good news is, we already know the release date for the new edition and Dominion Starter box! Meaning these rules will be in your hands in just a few weeks.

Age of Sigmar new rulebookIs this really going to be the best ever? We’ll have to wait and see on that!

Check out the rest of the rule reveals so far below:

New AoS Kruleboyz Rules

Kruleboyz rulesThe Kruleboyz even have their own extra allegiance ability, Venom-encrusted Weapons, which is every bit as nasty as it sounds! What’s more, they gain this ability whether you field an army consisting exclusively of Kruleboyz or use them as part of a larger Orruk Warclans force.

This is honestly kind of insane that every model in the army has this! It just gives big units the ability to dish out serious damage no matter what they’re fighting. On top of that, the Shaman can brew a potion to make a unit do this on a 5+.

New Command Abilities

command abilitiesOrruk Warclans really benefit from the changes in the new edition – especially command abilities. In the hero phase, Rally is a brilliant way to bring more ladz back into the fray and can be a game-changer for a big unit that’s down to only a few models. 

If you have some giant units, this could really bring back a decent number of minis. If you are somehow left with one guy, this has the possibility to bring the unit back to strength.

command abilityThere are a few command abilities that give some really nice defensive options, but one great one for Savage Orruk Arrowboyz is Unleash Hell.

With only getting -1 on your hit roll, this is a pretty cool ability! It will help when your opponent gets the double turn and you can really do nothing about getting charged.

command abilities 2All-out Attack and All-out Defence also synergize well with all Orruk Warclans units. A bonus to hit in the shooting or combat phase, or to save rolls made for a key unit, can make all the difference.

Both sides of this are very helpful and can just buff up a unit to either hit harder or stay a little safer. If you combine this with the potion from the Swampcall Shaman, the unit would receive +2 to their saves.

Killaboss Warscroll

Kruleboyz rules 2Because only one unit can make use of Inspiring Presence, All Part of Da Plan can save you some serious casualties. On top of that, he has a decent stat line and can negate wounds onto his poor Stab Grot. Press F for that adorable little guy…

Are you excited about these new Kruleboyz rules? Will you be picking up the Dominion box?

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