All The New Transformers Magic The Gathering Cards

Here are all the new Transformers Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond cards coming in the next set and everything we know about them so far.

You might recall some older Transformer crossover cards all the way back in 2017 and 2018. Now we’re finally getting more iconic characters from the series, and they hopefully won’t be as limited as the previous ones!

If you want to see more on the other Universes Beyond cards (IP Crossovers) and even all the new playmats and accessories, click on the links below:

Here are all of the Transformer cards that will be inside the next main Magic: The Gathering set called Brothers War!

Every Card Has Alternate Arts and A Brand New MTG treatment!

Transformers Magic Cards 12All 15 of the cards in this set will have two versions. A standard call-back art and a more modern “shattered glass” version. With Shattered Glass being the new alter-ego versions of the bots, even for people who did grow up with Transformers or arent hyped about the cards!

We might even see this treatment again in the future!

All The New Transformers Magic the Gathering Cards

Now let’s dive into all the new transformers Magic the Gathering cards out there right now.

ProwlFirst up is Prowl. On his face side, he is Mono-white 3/3 for four that removes a tapped vehicle or creature when he attacks, granted the owner can re-play it, but if it doesn’t have flash this is a mini temporary removal spell. You can also do it to your own creature if you want to activate its Enter the Battlefield effect again!

Overall this is a solid card with some decent synergy opportunities, but it’s not going to break the meta or anything like that.

Lifegain is super easy in white, and recursion is a powerful mechanic, so this card has a potentially strong effect right off the bat!

This is stronger than the last card, but not by a lot. With a much better mana cost to output rate and interesting effect, it’s just all-around a better card.


Jetfire has an interesting game plan, +1/+1 counters, and artifacts in Mono-blue… This is a hard sell, but if you can pull it off, extra mana generation is always powerful!

BlitzwingBlitzwing is just good. A damage-doubling creature is almost always viable, and he is pretty close to being on par in mana without considering how strong his ability is!

StarscreamThe iconic Starscream is pretty decent. Not very expensive and has a decent effect. Monarch is fun in commander and can get you extra resources, so this is a cool addition to consider.

SlicerSlicer is the first mono-red option and introduces a little chaos. A 3/4 double strike hurts a lot, especially when he’s more or less attacking four times a turn rotation (once per opponent turn+ yours). It will, however, probably get you focused because you’re forcing opponents to hit each other every turn, and people might not like that.

ArceeArcee goes Boros and is another decent option. Building up +1/+1s will take time, but being able to zap a big creature for a ton of damage for only one mana can come in huge!

BlasterBlaster is a little more expensive at 5-mana, and he cares all about artifact creatures and Modular, which is a powerful mechanic, especially thanks to green with a card like Hardened Scales!


Cyclonus is already a good rate as a 2/5 flyer for 4, but his ability is also good! He can get bigger and allows you to sort out cards on top of your deck! Then once he’s big enough, you get a bigger body and a super strong effect!

FlamewarFlamewar is another cheap body at three mana, plus it has a decent ability as a sacrifice outlet for artifacts, but its sorcery speed hurts the power of the card quite a lot. The wheel mechanic is interesting, but it’s a little too much work to get it going…

GoldbugGoldbug is very unassuming but is potentially one of the strongest cards in this set. Humans are an extremely powerful tribe with tons of cards to choose from. That being said, you may have other human commanders in mind to play instead of Goldbug.

Still, this is a super strong Human-tribal option.

MegatronThe big baddie himself, Megatron, is expensive to play BUT is quite strong! Extra mana is super strong, and getting mana from dealing damage is always a super powerful mechanic (im looking at you, Rakdos and Neheb!).

Playing with this sort of mechanic in Mardu is a huge upgrade from the older similar mechanic cards. Not to mention there’s no restriction for his mana! Unlike Rakdos and even Jetfire from this set, Megatron can use his mana for anything!

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime, everyone’s favorite hero, is next up and is similarly powerful. He can’t die and will always return to your battlefield, but that being said, he is more of a support piece, not really a carry like Megatron. Some might say that’s right on theme!


Soundwave is interesting as an Esper commander since they usually do some goofy stuff. Using tokens to damage opponents to steal an Instant or Sorcery and cast it for free is powerful but requires a ton of build-up.

This card has potential, but it might be too conditional to be super strong.

Ultra MagnusFinally, the last card is Ultra Magnus, whose vehicle side is significantly cheaper than his Robot side. With the Vehicle side having a decent effect, you might be casting it first, usually! That being said, the Robot side has a super strong ability! Getting to cast an artifact creature for free tapped and attacking can be GAME ENDING!

Cough-Blightsteel Colossus-cough…

With that, those are all the new Transformer Magic cards we’ve seen, and as far as we know are all the ones that are coming!

What do you think of the new Magic the Gathering Transformers cards? 

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