Gwenpool Blasts into Marvel Crisis Protocol With These New Rules

Gwenpool Marvel Crisis ProtocolGwenpool blasts into Marvel Crisis Protocol with these new character card rules straight from Atomic Mass Games! 

The Squirrel Girl & Gwenpool expansion has hit pre-order, so it’s good to know what she can do before you buy! First, check out the new expansion, then jump into the latest rules from AMG!

If you read this after May 12th, 2023, this expansion set should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, click here or on the header below.

Squirrel Girl & Gwenpool Character Pack: $39.99

Click here to order yours: | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

Squirrel Girl and Gwenpool Character PackThis is such a cool character pack, and from the sounds of it, AMG will give them some wild rules. They mention you can bend reality and the fourth wall with them in the game, so it should be super fun.

Squirrel Girl and Gwenpool Character Pack 2Here’s what they have to say about the models:

Players will turn the laws of reality into an open negotiation with the Squirrel Girl and Gwenpool Character Pack. This duo of fourth-wall-breakers will suspend disbelief as they bend the usual flow of gameplay to suit their own unique playstyles.

Squirrel Girl and Gwenpool Character Pack 3

Equipped with Team Tactic Cards that make them perfect tank-busters, this duo comes ready to warp the battlefield into a far stranger place to play.

AMG Delivers New Gwenpool Marvel Crisis Protocol Character Card & Rules

Gwenpool Marvel Crisis Protocol 2

Stab! Stab! Stabitty Stab! Her first attack is her Stabby Swords! She may have to get in close and personal with these things since they are limited to Range 2, but when she does she’s going to smack someone with 5 dice and might even get to change one of the Defender’s dice to a blank since this attack has the Pierce special rule. Oh yeah! This attack also helps her build Power to fuel her stupendous superpowers. 

She’s also got her own Bag of Tricks. This attack may only gain her one Power, and maybe its only 4 dice, but it does allow her to lob it at a target from Range 4 and, if she rolls a Wild and Hit, she’ll dish out a spicy little thing known as a Gwenpool Special where she can add on a special condition, including Bleed, Shock, Incinerate or Poison after the attack resolves.

At threat Four, she is pretty annoying to get rid of! She has Stamina six on both sides of the card and great defenses. Then, when you talk about her attacks, she has two different ways to gain power, which is always nice!

Gwenpool Marvel Crisis Protocol 3

Last but not least in her arsenal of weapons is a giant rocket launcher! Helpfully labeled “This end Toward Target”, this Strength 8 wallop only costs a measly 4 power and can come in from Range 4 away from the target. Not only is it going to blast Gwenpool’s opponents away, it’s going to ensure the target suffers the Incinerate and Stun special conditions. An even nicer treat is that when you roll a wild during this attack, it’s going to blast all other characters within range 2 of the target with 1 damage and the Incinerate special condition!

And those are just Gwenpool’s attacks. First among a full suite of superpowers is her ability to Travel Through Gutter Space. Usually, she uses this to pop between comic panels, but in Marvel: Crisis Protocol, a mere 2 power is going to let you Place Gwenpool anywhere within Range 3 of her current position. She’s too awesome to run away from a fight with the MacGuffin in her hands though, so you do have to ensure she’s not holding any objective tokens to move her with this superpower.

She even has plot armor to take less damage consistently, can modify dice, and travel through space. So overall, she just looks like a really fun character!

Click Here to Get Your New MCP Models!

Will you be picking this Gwenpool Marvel Crisis Protocol expansion pack up? Do you like the rules so far?

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