AMG Drops New Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ for the Black Order

marvel-crisis-protcol-faqsWith the new models coming to the game there is an updated Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ along with big changes for the Black Order!

When a wave of new releases hits, Atomic Mass Games does a good job of keeping everything updated. So if you were wondering how you could fit the new models into your lists, these will help you out. Plus, we love that they keep the base sizes updated as it’s easy to tell how big something should be.

There aren’t many changes this time around, but one main big one, but you can check out all the big updates from last November here as well.

Let’s check out the rest of the Marvel Crisis Protocol changes coming, and if you want to download them for yourself, you can here.

They also updated the base size and affiliation list, which can be grabbed here. But that’s just mainly for the new models coming out.

AMG Drops New Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ for the Black Order

Black Order

First, let’s start with the updated affiliation list, nothing crazy but the new minis have to go somewhere. Now, let’s get into the big change.

MCP FAQThe main change is this it gives all allied characters a power. This in itself is quite awesome, but when you take into account the type of allied characters Black Order could have in their list, who can gain free power through this is super strong.

Then, it gets really crazy when you take into account what Supergiant can actually do!

Supergiant Rules 2

The crazy part comes in when Supergiant can just outright daze a character and guess what that will do? Give your entire squad a free power. While it’s a little expensive to use if you combine this well with the Leadership Ability, you can really come out on top quickly in the power game! This has the ability to be super strong so we’ll have to see how it all plays out. 

Download the New Rules Here!

What do you think about these new Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ and base size changes? 

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