To The Trees: AoS Aelfs Next? New Artwork SPOTTED

By Rob Baer | May 18th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Guess who’s coming next for Age of Sigmar? Looks like AoS will be roaring back soon with the Aelfs Here’s the latest on their minis:

BoLS is reporting that it looks like the previews from Warhammer Fest were foreshadowing the arrival of the Aelfs!

The Aelf Release

Industry sources tell BoLS:

Aelfs are the next faction in the Age of Sigmar release schedule

Look for a multi-week release window on par with January’s Fyreslayers

The modelcounts listed are:

  • 2 New Foot Units
  • 1 Oversized cavalry unit
  • 1 Large Monster kit
  • Aelf Battletome
  • Aelf Painting Guide

One of the foot units is described as and “Aelf-Dryad” unit, while the big monster kit is described as a “beetle”.

BoLS also pointed out that rumormonger Squiggly just also mentioned the Aelfs as upcoming too:

  • The Aelfs are Slyvaneth
  • The Dryads are armed with halberd/sickle weapons

What it all Means:

Well a full on Aelf release makes sense, as the new AoS summer campaign seems figure the Aelfs and Slaanesh prominently. Plus the story line in the Realmgate wars sorta of left a cliffhanger there as well.

Now consider all this with the pictures that we saw at Warhammer Fest this weekend.

alarielle-beetle alef-dryad

~Beetle mounts and dryad swordmasters incoming?

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