Argel Tal & Ultramarines Praetors Forge World Pre-Order

You can choose to either go daemonic or faithful with the new Argel Tal and Ultramarines Praetors pre-orders from Forge World!

We saw these previewed not too long ago but you can order them right now! Horus Heresy has been getting a lot of minis lately and with the rumors of a new starter set, now is a great time to be playing. Let’s jump into the orders.

Argel Tal: $73

Argel TalArgel Tal was one of the Word Bearers Legionaries who went on a pilgrimage into the Eye of Terror. Like anyone who goes abroad on holiday, he refused to shut up about how much the trip had changed him when he got home. Unlike people who spend a week learning to cook Italian food, Argel Tal had been bonded with a daemon while traveling the immaterium. After his expedition, Argel Tal formed an unlikely bromance with the Captain of the World Eaters 8th Company, Khârn, as they fought in the Shadow Crusade together. 

Unfortunately, the Word Bearers’ Chaplain Erebus had his own plans for Khârn and got rather jealous of the burgeoning friendship. After much arching of fingers and dastardly scheming, he split Argel Tal and Khârn up before they got to take the road trip to Terra they had been planning.

3dartguy ruler cropGet The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

The mini is quite a stunning one and holding a ripped-in-half marine only makes him scarier! We expect him to go fast because even if you don’t use him for Horus Heresy, the mini is just awesome!

Ultramarines Legion Praetors: $38

Ultramarine Praetor

As you’d expect from some of the finest warriors in the Legion, they are clad only in the best armor and carry the most powerful weapons available. They’re covered in Ultramarines symbols and insignia so that you can easily identify who is in charge, whether you’re fighting in the catacombs of Calth* or starting your own Imperium.

Ultramarines Legion Terminator Praetor: $44

Ultramarine PraetorAvailable in either the most lavish of power armour or the equally impressive Terminator armour, these models will strike fear into both hearts of any Word Bearer (or Traitors from any other Legion, for that matter). 

From a 40k perspective, these guys seem to be the precursors to the mighty Space Marine Primaris lieutenants. Jokes aside as an Ultras player they are just gorgeous, and we can wait to see even more legion-specific (or non-specific) Praetors in the future.

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Will you be picking up these new kits? Do you play 30k?

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