Asmodee Announces Even More Price Increases For 2022

asmodee-price-hikesIt is not too late to save still before Asmodee raises thier prices again for the third increase of prices in a year’s time.

Well since the last year and a half, this is actually the fourth price hike (making three in one year) we’ve seen from Asmodee. With the sale of the company recently, it seems like they are staying on the path of increasing price as raw materials increase. As these price adjustments are due to production cost increases from China that have plagued retailers worldwide over the last few months.

The good news (if you can call it that) is that Asmodee isn’t hitting Marvel Crisis Protocol or any of the miniature games with price increases this time.

Marvel Crisis Protocol core set feature rWith almost products being increased there is plenty to look at. We’ll cover some of the increases here, but if you want to see everything, you can check out the whole spreadsheet here.

Asmodee Raises Board Game Prices Again

asmodee walAs we said, this is the fourth time in the past year and a half. The first one we saw for local stores came back in May last year, then just about 5 months ago, another increase hit.  Then they lowered their discounts to retailers, and after all of this started charging them for the transaction fees! On top of all that, they even had a price increase in October, and that hit much more than this increase. To be fair that is understandable given the increases in transportation as of late.

Then they also made it even harder for game stores as they banned them from selling on Amazon while selling directly to consumers there themselves. So not too many companies out there are making things easier on LGSs these days at all…

board game price increaseThe majority of the sheet is like this with board games getting hit by a few dollars pretty much on everything. Here’s what they had to say about it:

Asmodee USA announced that effective February 21, 2022, select titles in their distribution library will receive a MSRP increase across all channels. Products impacted can be found here, and price increases vary by product.

After increases to raw material and transportation costs in the past year, these price increases to the cost and MSRP of these products ensure Asmodee USA continues to offer excellence in service across distribution, sales, and marketing that its customers have come to expect.

Retailers can order the affected titles at their current cost and MSRP until February 20, 2022. This is the “last chance to buy” at the current prices before the increases take effect on February 21, 2022. 

So still some time to save on any of these titles that may be on your list this holiday season at least!

Are any of the games you play on the list? 

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