Battle Bling Drops Bits To Make A Sick Ballistus Dreadnought

battlebling new ballistus bitsBattle Bling has a bunch of new weapon bits from Tight Bore Designs to transform your existing models into Ballistus Dreadnoughts!

The Battle Bling store is jam-packed and full of high-quality bits! They don’t just have AT stuff, but the bits for that are next-level. They have everything from heads to weapons to bases. Since you don’t need too many minis to play, each one might as well be as great as possible.

And let’s be honest, just the name Battle Bling is something in its own right! We’ll highlight some of our favorite Tight Bore Designs up for sale, but be sure to browse their whole catalog. 

Today, we’ll focus on the new Ballistus Dreadnought bits they just came out with to help your Dreadnoughts pack more punch than ever! If you see something you like, be sure to use coupon code SPIKEYBITS to Get 10% off your purchase.

Manreaper Rocket Arm: $13

Rocket ARm Battlebling

You can get this sick rocket arm to customize your favorite Dreadnought and bring some ballistic flair to your next stomping grounds!

Item Details
This item is a Reign of Fire Rocket Arm

Compatible with:
Warhammer 40k Space Marine Dreadnoughts

Rocket Arm Battlebling ballistus dreads

And if that one doesn’t interest you, Battle Bling has made several different Rocket Arms to try and fit all of your explodey needs!

Front shot ballistus dreadsThey even have some closed/open variants for the rocket arms, just in case you want to display your varying levels of immediate hostility.

Other options Battlebling

Even beyond Balistus variants, there are a plethora of weapon bits out there for all of your Dread needs.

If you want to see what else they have been releasing, check that out here! That does it for this one; get some excellent bits from a great company!

Click Here to Get Your Ballistus Dreadnought Bits!

Use Code SPIKEYBITS to Get 10% off your purchase.