BREAKING – Age of Sigmar’s Points Costs Spotted

By Rob Baer | June 27th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


The points costs are out! Come see what every Age of Sigmar player has been awaiting with baited breath for months; points for the AoS Game System!

Well here they are, a collection of all the rules for each specific faction has been spotted for Age of Sigmar. We’ve collected a sampling of them here, if you want a look at them all checkout the roundup link below them.

Source: Imgur

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Points Roundup for Age of Sigmar

Source: Games Workshop (facebook)


generals handbook aos contents

Don’t forget to checkout one lucky hobbyist revealing the new book below:

general-handbook-cover age of sigmar

AoS General’s Handbook Rules REVEALED

Here’s the new revised Roadmap list of new releases that are on the rumor radar now with items bolded that are confirmed:


Age of Sigmar

I would imagine this book is also coming in July with the Slyvaneth. We’ll know for sure soon, but either way it seems like the summer release cycle just got a much needed jump start !

GW’s Summer Release Roadmap