Cad Bane Rules Blasts Their Way Into Star Wars Shatterpoint!

Cad Bane, Notorious HunterGrab your blasters and hide your bounties; Cad Bane is stepping onto the scene in the Fistful of Credits Squad Pack!

If you want to see the core set and where you can grab yours, you can check that out here. For now, though, let’s check out the new rules for Cad Bane from the Fistful of Credits squad Pack Expansion for Star Wars Shatterpoint, revealed by Atomic Mass Games.

Let’s take a look at the expansion itself first, which you can order here, or if you’re reading this after 9/1/2023, you can pick it up from your favorite local store! 

Star Wars Shatterpoint Fistful of Credits: Cad Bane Squad Pack: $49.99

Click here to get yours from Amazon | Asmodee Store

Fistful of credits ShatterpointSo far, we’ve only got rules for our main man (or primary unit) Cad Bane.

Fistful of credits ShatterpointWith these new stat cards, we’ll finally see what some of the most influential bounty hunters in the galaxy will bring to the table.

Cad Bane Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules

Cad Bane Stat Card

Cad Bane is utterly fearless and known to be implacable in his pursuit of his quarry, taking advantage of his Rocket Boots to gain added mobility akin to a jetpack. He makes use of his allies to facilitate cornering his target, and he insists No One Gets Between Me and My Job. This Reactive ability lets him follow-up on an ally’s attack if he’s close enough, inflicting some additional damage or Jumping closer to them if they are too far away. 

While he is a capable assassin willing to focus on gunning down his target to the exclusion of anything else, Bane is sometimes hired for a variety of tasks. He is particularly effective at seizing vital objectives. How About You Step Aside facilitates this, intimidating foes trying to control objectives to give up ground when he threatens them, forcing them to back away. Those who do so are often left Disarmed as they fumble with their weapons or left Exposed and Strained as Bane draws near. Few things delight Bane more than seeing his allies wound those they have been hired to take down. I’ll Take on Any Job… For the Right Price, his Identity ability, refreshes Force tokens when this happens, doubly if the attacking ally was also a Bounty Hunter, as well as providing a small amount of healing for Bane.

Cad Bane’s How About You Step Aside looks really versatile. The fact that they get to choose to move if they want to avoid the extra status effects seems like a fun mechanic as well.

No One Gets Between Me and My Job is like the opposite end of Ashoka’s reactive. As opposed to intervening when your allies are hurt, you get to double down when your allies are hurting!

Cad Bane Stat card

Cad Bane’s two Stances are loosely geared to augment his capabilities when fighting at range or in close combat, though there are other situations where he may prefer one over the other. Needs No Introduction is a Stance which Bane’s utter confidence in his own deadly capabilities. This affords Bane the highest ranged attack dice pool and a strong Combat Tree offering solid damage and options to Shove and then Pin or Disarm the foe. This stance also has some tactical advantages, with a Combat Tree offering a couple options to heal or to Jump and having a slightly better defense Expertise Chart. 

As Long as I Get Paid bolsters Bane’s wrist-mounted flamethrower with a higher melee dice pool and a Combat Tree with slightly higher potential damage, along with attack expertise charts offering more critical results, providing a degree of consistency. This Stance has an earlier option to Disarm the foe, and later options to Strain and Pin or Shove, but lacks the healing and free Jumps of the other stance. Despite these differences, both Stances are geared toward offense as the best defense, appropriate given Bane prefers to eliminate his enemies quickly and efficiently.

While it makes sense, seeing both stances being so heavily geared toward offense is interesting. Cad Bane balances his stances more akin to all-out attack and cautious assault rather than offensive and defensive.

To end things off, these units are dropping in the Clone Wars Era, and has a whopping 9 squad points which is important to remember when you’re building out your strike force.

Aurra Sing Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules

Aurra Sing card 1

Both Aurra Sing and her Bounty Hunter peers prove quite flexibile as guns for hire thanks to sharing the Payday Reactive ability, which lets them temporarily gain a tag of an ally. Thus paid, they can briefly be treated as members of the same organization. Given many abilities are only effective on specific tags, this ability opens up a wide range of potential combat benefits, letting these bounty hunters fight ably for any side of a given conflict.

One reason Aurra Sing doesn’t mind teaming up is the fact that those joining her can serve as an Expendable Distraction, occupying the enemy and making themselves even easier to be hit and killed. Gaining 3 dice on her attacks is quite a strong bonus, and it seems a small price to pay if the engaging allies get slightly winged by the blaster bolt grazing them in the process. Making such a shot allows Sing to utilize her other Reactive abilities, with sufficient Force tokens. Hit and Run is quite useful, allowing her to immediately Reposition, while Double the Contract, Double the Payout gives her a free 5-dice attack against a secondary target.  

Wow, Payday seems like a really fun ability. Being able to get the tag of a squadmate, at the price of one force seems pretty cool. That’ll open up the possibility for a lot of unique teams and interactions!

Aurra Sing card 2

Her Stance reflects her independent attitude, as she is Not Asking Permission to attack, using her custom sniper rifle at range, or drawing blaster pistols at point blank range. Sing is certainly considerably more deadly when firing the rifle, but is not too shabby in melee, when forced to fight while engaged. Her Combat Tree is a strong one, and she’s likely to progress to its higher Options if benefitting from the added dice from Expendable Distraction. In addition to substantial damage, this Combat Tree offers the chance to Pin, Strain, perform up to two Pushes, and Expose the foe, as well as possibly allowing her to Climb or Reposition after. The Dexterous Dodge Defense expertise chart also offers decent defensive protection.

Though Aurra Sing’s mercenary nature allows her to fight alongside just about anyone, she often prefers to join other Bounty Hunters. This might include those drawn from Cad Bane’s crew, like the Chandra-Fan Troo-Tril-Tek and others. 

Aurra Sing’s Combat Tree makes her great for utility and mobility and also piles on damage in every option slot except for one. Turning crits to breaks by default is also very cool for her defense capabilities.

The Bounty Hunters Star Wars Shatterpoint Rules

Bounty hunters card 1

Any Bounty Hunter worth their guild membership is always On the Trail of their quarry and is constantly on the move. They know the importance of using proper gear, demonstrated by Tools of the Trade. This Active ability lets them employ their specialized hardware to Disarm a nearby foe and gain the benefit of Sharpshooter 2 and Impact 2 to augment focus actions either for melee or ranged attacks. Under these benefits their offensive capability is considerable augmented.

The abilities of the Bounty Hunters not only seem very flavorful but also quite good. Sharpshooter 2 and Impact 2 for one force means these guys can still pack a punch for support characters.

Bounty Hunters card 2

As their Hunting Season Stance demonstrates, while they slightly prefer firing blasters, Bounty Hunters are essentially as good in melee as at range. The Ranged and Melee Expertise Charts for this Stance are modest, and its Combat Tree relatively simple, but offers decent damage, as well as options to Shove, Pin, or Expose the foe. 

The Bounty Hunters Combat Tree seems all-around well-balanced, with a bit of utility sprinkled in. It seems like they could be dropped in any situation and still be relatively capable.

To end things off, these units are dropping in the Clone Wars Era, and need at least 9 squad points on your primary unit in order to throw these two units in there, which is important for squad building.

Click Here to Get Your Star Wars: Shatterpoint Sets!

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