Callis & Toll Take Aim With New Age of Sigmar Rules!


Hunt down the enemies of Sigmar with these exciting new rules for Callis and Toll and their companions in AoS!

If you love the characters or animations, it is good to know the capabilities of the models before investing in them. This squad of miniatures has some noteworthy rules that make them a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop, despite their small size. Just be sure to add their companions as well in order to enhance the squad’s effectiveness!

GW Reveals New AoS Callis & Toll Rules!

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Here is the latest on the new Callis & Toll rules from Warhammer Community.

Callis and Toll rules

Duty Bound turns both units into incredible options for contesting objectives by hugely increasing their durability. The Grim Determination of Callis and Toll will see their ward increased to a 4+, while Valius’ ability They Will Break Upon My Shield can protect Toll’s Companions from all but the most determined attackers with an unmodifiable 3+ save.

Their saves are actually really strong, and when you have Valius around, you’ll get your 3+ save, and it can’t be modified. So, with a 3+/4+, they should be pretty survivable.

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What’s more, you can utilise the stealth skills of Lyssa Revenya to set the Saviours of Cinderfall up in an advanced position – even right on an objective, which you can lock down with Duty Bound from the moment of their arrival. From this forward position, they’ll be able to make the most of the Orders that both units – as Heroes of the Cities of Sigmar – can use to inspire your advancing battle line. Of course, once the fighting kicks off in earnest, the Saviours of Cinderfall will be in a great spot for Mistress Verentia’s Secrets from the Shadows to hopefully net you an extra command point or two.

Getting command points on a 5+ is really strong, especially since it’s within 12″ of the unit. This means you can have a pretty big bubble to try and score those CPs. Then, Sentenced to Death is enough to take this model alone. Hitting on an unmodified 2+ against a powerful unit is awesome.

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Callis and Toll in particular can cut down even the largest foe in a single round of combat by combining a well-timed heroic action (Their Finest Hour will see all their attacks wounding on a 2+ as well!) with the Right Tool for the Job.

Double damage is no joke, so make sure they chase down those wizards and daemons! Theoretically, they could deal 32 damage between the two of them. You’d need perfect rolling, but it’s not impossible!

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To add insult to (a no-doubt terminal) injury, Hanniver Toll is death incarnate to lower-tier enemy Heroes – anything with a Wounds characteristic of 6 or less is just one average roll away from suffering an instant and ignominious end by one of his Aqshian Firewood Stakes…

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This is very narrative and quite deadly! On average (don’t roll bad here; you can do it), he should be able to kill most heroes. However, if you get really lucky, you might even be able to kill models with up to 11 wounds! Just a wild rule.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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