Can Games Workshop Copyright the FUTURE?

By Rob Baer | April 3rd, 2020 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Scales of Justice

Is it time to go back to the miniature future? Come see what’s going on with the latest Games Workshop release that has many scratching their heads.

A few weeks ago someone claimed to have gotten a previously unseen Dwarf model in with a boxed set of Tau. It looks to be one of the new Age of Sigmar releases we have been hearing for 2016, and upon further review of the sprue, it was indeed dated 2016.

2016 dwarf

That seemed kinda weird dating something that hadn’t even been released yet right? I’ll admit up front I am not a copyright expert my any means, but it seems like the whole point is to copyright something so someone else can not claim the design as their own right?

Supposedly that was the whole basis for the Chapterhouse court battle, and why Games Workshop didn’t release the Space Wolf Thunderwolves and the Tyranid Tervigon until mid 2013 I believe.

We’ve also been told anonymously that is also the reason why GW will not make rules for any thing it does not have a miniature for, and conversely makes rules for things that are out of date, IS just to keep the copyright on them still.

So if you ever wondered why there is an entry in your particular rulebook about something that’s “out of date” that may just be why. Yes I’m talking to you Tyranid spike gun!


But this week we saw something even more curious. A new model that’s slated for release this weekend (Dec 19th 2015) has a copyright date of 2016.

So what do you make of all that? Can GW copyright the future? Could a model company rush a model into production and release it before the end of the year and then own the rights to it out from under Games Workshop?

What the heck is going on in Nottingham that they would let something like this slip out?

Or is everything going exactly as planned?

Time to get ‘a sculpting?



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