Captain America Returns in MCP with Fresh New Rules!

Captain America Straight out of the freezer and into the fray, here’s the new Marvel Crisis Protocol rules for Captain America from Earth’s Mightiest Core Set

As you all know, Atomic Mass Games has gone about painstakingly updating and refreshing the core set for Marvel Crisis Protocol to celebrate its 4th Anniversary. In addition to giving it a facelift, it looks like they’ve updated the heroes’ rules within, including Cap himself.

If you haven’t already checked it out, the new Earth’s Mightiest Core Set drops on October 13th, 2023, but is available for pre-order over on Asmodee’s website right now if it’s before then.


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Earth's Mightiest Core Set

This new core set maintains all the current rules of Crisis Protocol but packages them into a Core Set that has been updated in every other way to create the next evolution of entry points into Marvel: Crisis Protocol.

Earth's Mightiest Core Set 2

Captain America Charges Back with New Marvel Crisis Protocol Rules!

Captain America Earth's Mightiest Stat Card rules

As a nod to the rough and tumble life he led as a young man, the First Avenger is sometimes known as the Brooklyn Brawler. This is also a Range 3, Strength 5 attack, but this one costs him 4 Power to use. The reason it costs him some Power is the benefits provided by its special rules. Having always been willing to stand up to a bully, even long before he had his current physical capabilities, this attack allows him to add dice to his attack roll equal to the target characters Size. This means it will almost always be at least a Strength 7 attack! It also has the Push rule when he rolls a Wild, allowing him to push size 3 or less characters Away Short. It also has the rule Frontliner, which continues the theme of him throwing himself against multiple enemies. When he rolls a Wild, Hit and Shield in the attack roll, he can make an additional Brooklyn Brawler attack against a different enemy character within Range 3.

His Leadership, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, represents his time as one of the pivotal members of the Avengers. Ready to take charge regardless of who is on the field, Captain America, First Avenger has the tactical knowledge to steer his allies where they can best impact the battle. This Leadership allows allied characters to spend 1 Power during an attack roll when they have rolled at least 1 Hit result. When doing so, they can change 1 of their attack roll results to any other result. The potential applications for this are hard to quantify as it means that for a single Power, characters are able to guarantee single result triggers in their attack rolls and have a much greater chance of reaching those multi-result trigger requirements.

Right off the bat, it looks like this Captain America will be a little heartier than his previous counterpart, starting with six Stamina on his healthy side instead of his traditional five. They mentioned in the stream that they wanted him to be more of a bruiser than before, and they captured that feeling.

Captain America Earth's Mightiest Stat Card rules 2

His first superpower is an Active superpower representing his willingness to throw himself into the fight. For 2 Power and an Action, Captain America can Charge into battle. This superpower allows him to make a move action followed by an attack action. The ability to perform two actions for the cost of 1 is always a useful superpower.

He also has access to a reactive superpower for the cost of 2 Power known as Perfect Block. The picture of Captain America is never complete unless it includes his iconic shield and this superpower means that when he is targeted by an attack, he can add 2 dice to his defense roll against that attack. Who doesn’t like rolling 6 defense dice when being attacked?!

Last, but not least, we have a superpower that exists only on his Injured side. You won’t find it on the front of his card, but this superpower represents the never-ending willpower residing in this man. Even if he has been Dazed and flipped to his Injured side, he just keeps getting back up. I Can Do This All Day is an innate superpower that lets Captain America, First Avenger count Blanks in his defense rolls as successes against any attack. This man will never shrink before evil!

Captain’s injured side being able to add blanks to his defense rolls with I Can Do This All Day seems really cool,  capitalizing on his never-ending stance against the forces of evil!

Overall this seems to be a very offensive version of cap that can charge into the fray instead of constantly protecting his teammates. Can’t wait to see this version of the First Avenger on the tabletop this fall!

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Will you be picking the Earth’s Mightiest Core Set up, and what do you think of the new rules for Captain America? 

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