Chaos Daemons Stratagems & Traits Spotted

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Checkout all the new Chaos Daemons Codex reveals for Stratagems and Warlord Traits that were just revealed from inside the new book!

It has been a week rich with information concerning the upcoming Chaos Daemons Codex. First off we had Games Workshop’s Twitch preview Friday with tons of datasheets rules previews and more. And now thanks to winters SEO’s review, we now have more information regarding new Stratagems that are unique to each Chaos God and their Warlord Traits.

Chaos Daemons Codex

This article includes all the new information we have gathered from Winters’ review and was not covered in our other confirmed Daemon rules posts.


Generic Stratagems

  • Demonic Incursion: For 2CP, use this Stratagem when one of your Daemon units is destroyed by a Grey Knights unit, the destroyed unit is returned to your army at full strength and set up anywhere on the battlefield during your next Movement phase and is at least 9″ away from enemy models. This does not cost you any reinforcement points during a Matched Play game.
  • Soul Sacrifice: For 2CP, use this Stratagem before a Chaos character from your army attempts to summon a unit of daemons to the field using Demonic Ritual. That character suffers D3 mortal wounds but can roll 4 dice rather than 3 for summoning. In addition, re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the summoned unit while it is within 6″ of the character that performed the ritual.
  • Rewards of Chaos: 1-3CP, this allows you to pick extra Relics.
  • Demonic Pact: For 1CP, use this Stratagem after a Chaos character summons a unit of daemons to the field. That character can immediately attempt to summon a 2nd unit of daemons.

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Allegiance Specific

  • Khorne – Banner of Blood: For 1CP, use this Stratagem before the battle. Chose one of your Khorne models with a Demonic Icon. That icon is upgraded to a Banner of Blood. In addition to its normal ability, the power of the banner can be used once per battle. Before the bearer’s unit declares a charge, if used, said unit can charge 3D6 instead of 2D6.
  • Khorne – Locus of Wrath: For 2CP, Use this Stratagem at the start of any Fight phase, select a Khorne daemon character. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll all failed hit rolls for all friendly Khorne daemon units within 6″ of this model.
  • Nurgle – Revolting Regeneration: For 2CP, use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase, select one of your Nurgle daemon units. One model in the unit regains D3 lost wounds. If there are no wounded model in the unit and that unit has suffered casualties, then a single slain model from the unit is returned with one wound remaining.
  • Tzeentch – Blasted Standard: For 1CP, choose one of your Tzeentch models with a Demonic Icon. It is upgraded to a Blasted Standard. In addition to its normal ability, the power of the banner can be used once per battle. At the start of the Psychic phase, when used, roll 9 dice. For each roll of a 6, the closest visible enemy unit within 9″ suffers a mortal wound.
  • Tzeentch – Magical Boon: For 1CP, use this Stratagem at the end of your Psychic phase. Select a Tzeentch daemon psyker from your army and it can immediately attempt to manifest one psychic power that turn.
  • Slaanesh – Locus of Grace: For 1CP, select a Slaanesh daemon character from your army and, until the end of the battle, all friendly Slaanesh daemon units within 6″ of the model can make a second attack against the same target with the same attack and the same weapon if they roll a wound roll of 6.
  • Slaanesh – Rapturous Standard: For 1CP,  choose one of your Slaanesh models with a Demonic Icon. It is upgraded to a Rapturous Standard. In addition to its normal ability, the power of the banner can be used once per battle. When used, you can re-roll all failed hit rolls for the bearer’s unit until the end of the phase.

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Warlord Traits

  • Khorne – Add +1 to your Warlord’s Attack characteristic if there are more enemy models than friendly models within 8″.
  • Khorne – Immense Power: Add +1 to Warlord’s Strength characteristic.
  • Khorne – Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for friendly Khorne daemon units that charge that turn and are within 8″ of your Warlord when they fight.
  • Tzeentch – Add +1 to the first Psychic test made by your Warlord in each Psychic phase.
  • TzeentchIncorporeal Form: Reduce the damage by -1 against your Warlord.
  • Tzeentch – Add 6″ to your first psychic power manifested by your Warlord in each Psychic phase.
  • Tzeentch – Roll a dice each time your Warlord suffers a Perils of the Warp and, on a +2 up, does not suffer a Perils.
  • Nurgle – Add +1 to your Warlord’s Wound characteristic.
  • Nurgle – You can roll a dice each time your Warlord suffers a wound in the Fight phase. On a +4, the unit that inflicted the wound receives a mortal wound after all of its attacks have been resolved.
  • Nurgle – Plague Fly Hive: Your opponent must subtract -1 from all hit rolls that target your Warlord if the attacking unit is within 7″.
  • Nurgle – Virulent Touch: Add +1 to all wound rolls made by your Warlord unless it is a vehicle.
  • Nurgle – Impenetrable Hide: Your Warlord has a 4+ save.
  • Nurgle – Pestilent Miasma: Roll a dice each time an enemy unit is within 1″ of your Warlord at the start of your turn. On a +4, they suffer a mortal wound.
  • Slaanesh – Celerity of Slaanesh: Add +3 to your Warlord’s Movement characteristic.
  • Slaanesh – You can re-roll failed hit and wound rolls made by your Warlord if they target enemy character only.
  • Slaanesh – If your Warlord charges in the Charge phase, add D3 to their attacks.
  • Slaanesh – Each time your Warlord makes a wound roll of a 6 in the Fight phase, the target suffer a mortal wound in addition to any other damage.
  • Slaanesh – Savage Hedonist: You can add +1 to your Warlord’s Attack characteristic.

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If you missed our coverage this week of the reveals made for the Codex: Chaos Daemons, click on the links below to catch up on all the Daemon teasers:

What do you think about these Stratagems and Warlord Traits? Do you feel your favored Chaos faction is stronger or weaker? Let us know in the comment below!

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