Creature Caster Painting Competition: Adepticon ’19

By Tim Roberts | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Creature Caster, Painting Contest, Warhammer 40k Rumors

King Of Ruin Feature

Big news from the resin masters at Creature Caster as they get ready to hold painting competition for Adepticon 2019. Let’s take a look!

Creature Caster has officially announced that they will be holding a single miniature, one category, painting competition at Adepticon. The Resin Beast Painting Competition will be held at their booth at the biggest miniatures games convention in the world Adepticon 2019, in the lovely Renaissance Hotel in Schaumburg Illinois on March 27th -31st. Let’s see what The good people at Creature Caster had to say!

Creature Caster Painting Competition: Adepticon ’19


Creature Caster Creature Caster Painting Competition: Adepticon '19


We are very excited announce that we will be holding a Creature Caster specific painting competition at Adepticon 2019!

The Resin Beast Painting Competition will have only one category, single figure, and offers the following prizes. $2000 USD for first place, $1000 USD for second, and $1000 USD for third, with additional non cash prizes, and the prestigious Resin Beastie awards up for grabs.

Creature Caster

These are some of the biggest prizes available for a single category miniature painting competition in the world!

The entry rules are pretty simple:

1) Creature Caster models only.

2) Single Figure only.

3) Maximum footprint of 150mm x 150mm.

4) Bring your entry to our booth at Adepticon!

So prepare your brushes, and stay tuned for further details!

Make sure you visit Creature Caster and pick up one of their amazing miniatures and get your painting project ready to roll for this upcoming event.

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