Creature Caster Undead Cradol Minotaur: Unboxing & Build

Creature Caster Undead Cradol Minotaur: Unboxing & BuildCreature Caster’s first mini for Judgement 2.0 is here! Check out our unboxing and build of the new Undead Cradol Minotaur!

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its stunning minis. This time around, they are tackling something entirely new! They are pairing with Judgement to give you an actual dedicated game to play with their minis. If you want to see more about the pairing, check it out here.

This is just the first mini of many, so we’re super excited for the future. Also, this one is actually a twofer, as they are giving you two minis for the price of one for a limited time. Let’s see what Rob’s first impressions are as he breaks it down!

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Creature Caster Undead Cradol Minotaur: Unboxing & Build

Cradol SiteJudgment is out of Australia and this is the first mini they have created with Creature Caster for the new game! The game is a hex-based game, which actually takes out a ton of variance with movement and measuring.

CC SiteThey also have a ton of other great new sales and minis on the site right now. You can either sign up for the Cradol miniature, or if you get to the site early or just buy it when it goes live.


Creature Caster BoxJust like with all their minis, you get all your stuff in an awesome box and they even throw on a cool sticker now!

The Bits

All Cradol Bits


Cradol Bits 2


Cradol BitsHere are all the bits for both sizes of mini. Like with all of their stuff, you can see the detail right away! All of their bits are super high-quality and usually pretty easy to build. One is like 32mm scale and the other a 54mm scale.

Cradol Minotaur bitsYou can see they put a ton of work into both sizes and they are great looking.

Completed Mini

Completed CradolHere is the smaller one! She looks amazing and went together super easily. The only tricky part was scrapping off the resin in-between the weapon on the right hand.

Big CradolThe bigger one really lets you see all the little details they threw into this great mini.

Size comparison

Completed Cradol 2Here you can see how they compare up to one another. Both are full of detail and we can’t wait to try it out in the new version of Judgement!

Get Your Creature Caster Models Here

That does it for this one! Overall a really nice looking mini that went together easily.

What do you think of Creature Caster’s newest models?

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