Checkout the latest on the Unforgiven and their incoming codex!
via MongooseMatt on DakkaDakka 6-15-2015
I am not really a rumour source, but this has just come through from the GW sales team;A 160-page full colour hardback codex. The most comprehensive Dark Angels codex ever, which includes three new Dark Angels Detachments, 6 formations of and Tactical Objectives, plus Warlord Traits and Chapter Relics. This new codex gives the player the opportunity to build their own Deathwing and Ravenwing formations, from the extensive range of available miniatures.It is a £35 Codex. Looks like Dark Angels are getting the royal treatment (at last)!
Now combine that with the retailer pricelists doing the rounds which indicate:
– Release Dates: Preorder June 20, Streetdate June 27- Dark Angels Codex 160 pp $58
– Datacards $12.50
– Interrogator Chaplain Clampack $30
Space Marine Roundup
The Hunt is On!