Don’t Miss It: Adepticon 2019 Registration Opens Today!

By Rob Baer | November 18th, 2018 | Categories: Adepticon 2019, Warhammer 40k Rumors

adepticon wal

Don’t miss your favorite events, AdeptiCon 2019 registration opens Sunday, November 18th at 1pm CST! Plan now to attend the biggest Wargaming event ever!

AdeptiCon is a huge yearly event that pulls players from all over the world to join in almost every hobby and tabletop game under the sun. Are you thinking about entering some of the bigger tournaments?


AdeptiCon 2019 Event List Preview is live! The Event List is 90% complete and contains over 430 events, tournaments and hobby seminars!

Take a look at the event list for the 40k side of things:

Long War Doubles Tournament

Long War doubles

The Long War Doubles tournament is back and will be at AdeptiCon 2019. Grab a friend and team up against other pairs of two in some competitive 40k.

Long War doubles

Both players are going to be bringing a 1,000 point list that’s going to be combined into one large one. Almost everything is legal but your army composition score is judged by your opponents. Take that into consideration when you’re making your lists.

Warhammer 40k Team Tournament

Space Marine Jump Pack

adepticon 40k 1

Bring yourself and three other friends to make a four-man team and go against others in 40k. If you want to get as much play time as possible, split off into groups of two and play in the Long War Doubles tournament as well!

Warhammer 40k Championship

space marine

40k championship adepticon

As one of the larger events, you’ll be going head to head against an opponent competing in the 40k singles Championship. Be ready to play up to eight games in two days as a part of this event.

When Can You Register?

big mek orks

REGISTRATION STARTS: November 18, 2018 at 1pm CST

Remember that there’s only a certain amount of space that can be filled at the event. Register early and grab your spot!

AdeptiCon is going to be held from March 27, 2019, thru April 1, 2019at:

Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center
1551 N. Thoreau Dr.
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Will you be making it to AdeptiCon next year? What events will you be playing in? Have you already started making some test-lists? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.