Get The Details On New Horus Heresy Liber Imperium Rules!

horus-heresy-imperium-bookGW revealed some contents for the upcoming Horus Heresy Liber Imperium book in the form of a few rules- check it out!

We already saw this release date on the HH roadmap (October), so it’s not that far off, and seeing some rules is always nice.

Warhammer Community unveiled the latest on the rules, but we’ll also look at the roadmap again to see when the other books will be hitting.

New Horus Heresy Liber Imperium Units & Contents Leaked: October 31, 2022

Liber Imperium

The leaks come from Reddit, and the far-away view makes it a little hard to see much; however, luckily, there is a close-up shot of the Sisters of Silence list.

Liber Imperium 2As you can see, this is more entries than we have seen in a long time for the Sisters. It’s nice to see them get some love from GW, but on the last list of pre-orders, we didn’t see any of the new minis but did see more of the Solar Auxilia.

So we’re not sure quite yet when the minis will actually be out, or if they are just putting in more entries and expect people to convert everything up. Or, there is always another option (and we wouldn’t put it past GW) that they are just breaking up the current units into a few new names for different weapons or something like that.

So while there are new units inside, it doesn’t necessarily we’ll actually see those models.

You can see the release of the new Liber Imperium book here.

GW Releases Horus Heresy Road Map For 2022!

HH road map

…and that’s just what’s coming in the next couple of seasons! That’s four faction books – one each for the Loyalist Legions, the Traitor Legions, the Mechanicum, and Imperial forces sworn to neither the Primarchs nor the Omnissiah.

These will all be supported by Legacies of the Age of Darkness, free downloadable PDFs which contain rules for old Forge World models that aren’t at present planned to return to the current range, so you can use your existing models in the new edition. And on top of that, two additional army lists will be available to download for other factions – the Daemons of the Ruinstorm, and the Imperialis Militia and Warp Cults.

If you look on the left, the three minis look to have been the new Contemptor Dread, MK VI Space Marines, and the Deimos Rhino. The Liber Mechanicum didn’t hit until August, either.

However, one important thing to note is the bottom right of the picture. As we said, there could easily be delays and changes to this as GW is covering themselves this time. Welcome to 2022, we suppose.

Horus Heresy Liber Imperium Rules Revealed!

Liber Imperium forces of the emperor

The Liber Imperium brings these forces into your games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, presenting a host of new options including massed Imperial armies and tank columns, or those rare beings genetically engineered beyond even the mighty Space Marines.

Most of these forces were marshalled to aid in Dorn’s defence of the Solar System during the latter days of the Heresy, though they also fought throughout the galaxy under the Emperor’s banner.


This will be a fairly large book with a bunch of units, so if you already play them, it’s good to see! They also let us know the page count is 176-pages, aka freakin’ massive.

Liber Imperium Rules

First up is a rule for Custodes!

nemesis untis

These mighty warriors scan the battlefield looking for particularly worthy targets.  Once an enemy unit fulfils the essential criteria to count as a ‘Nemesis’ unit the Custodes can engage, gaining +1 Attacks, +1 to Charge Rolls, and never needing to roll higher than 4+ to score a Hit – unless that foe is a Primarch.

Quite on theme, these elite warriors excel at taking out other elite (or just plain big) models! A great function and flavor win rules wise for Adeptus Custodes.

Now onto the Solar Auxilia…


These unique formations train together until they can act as one,  performing synchronised Shooting Reactions when they are within 3” of a model in the same Tercio. Let’s see how many Space Marine tank lances want to risk a Shooting Reaction from a Tercio made up of Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Strike Squads.

Similar to the Tau in 40k these models make for fantastic ranged volleys thanks to this new reaction shooting rule!

And last, for now, we’ve got assassins!

A loyalist force can also take advantage of the skilled operatives of the Divisio Assassinorum and add an Assassin to the army as a non-compulsory HQ choice.

tactical displacement

Each Clade has specialised tools and they can turn even adverse situations to their advantage thanks to years of intense training, combat stims, and mysterious augmentations. The Tactical Displacement reaction allows any Assassin targeted by a shooting attack to bob, weave and pirouette away from any unfriendly fire and carry on with their mission unscathed.

Being slippery and hard to deal with is, in many ways, what it means to be an assassin, so this seems like another absolute flavor and function win!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about these Horus Heresy Imperium Rules so far?