GW Confirms Another New Contemptor Dreadnought Kit

new-contemptor-dreadnoughtWe saw rumors for a while about this, and now a new plastic Horus Heresy Contemptor Dreadnought kit has been officially revealed!

A picture of this was actually seen in the new starter box, but now we have all the details on the new kit! It looks to have a ton of weapon options, more CC options, heads, and more. This is basically exactly what we hobbyists suspected, as the one in the starter box doesn’t have a lot of options.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new kit along with all the options. Let’s first check out where we spotted it first, then jump into all the new pics.

Where it Was First Spotted

Contemptor DreadHere is the picture from the box, and right away you can see some big differences between the previous plastic monopose model and the Forge World kits.

Horus Heresy Starter 3The first main difference is the chest plate. Generally, GW doesn’t put converted models on box pictures. It has all the iconography of a relic contempt or with what looks to be the Aquila on it.

So besides those chest bits, on the same sprue could be all the extra weapons that don’t come in the original box (like the Kheres Assault Cannon pictured), thus either making you buy a new kit to get all the upgrades or maybe later they will release just the upgrade sprue itself. And would you know it? The new dread kit has all that stuff and more!

GW Confirms Another New Contemptor Dreadnought Kit

Contemptor DreadAs we said, there are plenty of options with this kit (which might also come with an increased price tag). Here’s everything in the kit:

In addition to what its boxed-set cousin gets, this Contemptor packs four new main guns – a conversion beam cannon, a Kheres assault cannon, a volkite dual-culverin, and a gravis plasma cannon – and plenty of extra decorative options. That means, inside just one box, you get:

  • One ultra-posable Contemptor Dreadnought chassis
  • Two heads, one of which can equip an optional helical targeting array
  • Four chestplate styles, with Loyalist and Traitor options
  • Two big old punchy hands, buildable as fists* or chainfists
  • Five different guns to go in those fists
  • Eight different arm-mounted guns, usable on the right or left side
  • A havoc missile launcher
  • Fetching shield and scroll details to smarten up your chassis

Contemptor Dread 2

However you want to dispose of your snivelling Loyalist/grotesque Traitor foes, this upgunned Contemptor Dreadnought has just what you’re looking for.

It’s always nice to get kits with more options! Plus, with how they have this pictured, maybe you can just buy these bits as an upgrade kit?

Check out how we magnetized the one inside of the starter set!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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