GW Releases Horus Heresy Road Map For 2022!

Horus-Heresy-new-plastic-kits-spotted-warhammer-40k-forge-worldGW just dropped their Horus Heresy new release road map for 2022, with a glimpse of what to expect in terms of new minis and rules.

We’ve seen some serious rumors about the release dates (which we’ll take a look at), but it’s nice to see some confirmed stuff from GW. While it’s nice to have a road map, you should also take them with a grain of salt as with everything happening, these are sometimes delayed.

Warhammer Community unveiled the map, let’s first check out the rumors, then the new roadmap, and compare the two.

RUMORS: Horus Heresy Releases June-September with Prices

horus heresy accessories expansionsAccording to Faeit, these are the new Horus Heresy releases that we will see this summer! Keep in mind these prices seem a little low compared to some of their 40k equivalents. Plus, we are showing this as GW didn’t really show off what minis will be on the way, just downloadable PDFs.

We know that there will be at least two compilation books, with the other Age of Darkness armies book being a free download now. Plus some of the releases rumored for July are looking very familiar to recent previews as well… With that said, some of these are off by a little, but a good reference to look at overall.

Releases for June:
  • “Heta-Gladius” Launch Box: – £180
  • Rulebook – £43
  • Three Codex like compilation Books – £42 each: Loyalists, Traitors, Other Age of Darkness Armies – Loyalists and Traitors (there were only two released so far… but pretty close)
Releases for July:
  • Three different Starter Sets – £180 /£100 / £40 each
  • Space Marine Legionary + Paints Sets (A + B) – £23 each  featuring 3 Space Marines and 7 paints
  • Getting Started with Horus Heresy Magazine – £10 Includes 2 Space Marine Legionaries
Releases for August:
  • Space Marine Legion Tactical Squad – £36
  • 10 Models multipart in the same fashion as the Chaos Space Marines
  • Common weapon options
  • Deimos Pattern Rhino – £31 (pictured in the GW roadmap)
  • Space Marine Legion Praetor – £22  Not the same Model than was already shown
Releases for September:
  • Deimos Pattern Predator – £39
  • Upgrade Sprue Sons of Horus – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Imperial Fists – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Blood Angels – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Emperors Children – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue White Scras – £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue World Eaters – £9.50
Releases without date:
  • Deimos Pattern Vindicator – £39
  • Kratos Battle Tank – £52.50
  • Land Raider – £52.50
  • Land Raider Spartan – £60
  • Contemptor Dreadnought – £35
  • Space Marine Tactical Squad + Rhino – £57
  • Deimos Pattern Rhino Suqadron – £87
  • Deimos Pattern Predator Squadron – £107
  • Space Marine Auxillary (details unknown)

From the looks of it, there may be a pretty aggressive four-month path to market for the new edition of Horus Heresy starting in June of 2022. Now, let’s look at GW’s roadmap.

GW Releases Horus Heresy Road Map For 2022!

HH road map

…and that’s just what’s coming in the next couple of seasons! That’s four faction books – one each for the Loyalist Legions, the Traitor Legions, the Mechanicum, and Imperial forces sworn to neither the Primarchs nor the Omnissiah.

These will all be supported by Legacies of the Age of Darkness, free downloadable PDFs which contain rules for old Forge World models that aren’t at present planned to return to the current range, so you can use your existing models in the new edition. And on top of that, two additional army lists will be available to download for other factions – the Daemons of the Ruinstorm, and the Imperialis Militia and Warp Cults.

If you look on the left, the three minis look to be the new contemptor dread (which could be the relic version), Space Marines, and a Rhino, all of which are in the rumors above. Then the Liber Mechanicum won’t hit until August, so the rumors were wrong there. However, one important thing to note is the bottom right of the picture. As we said, there could easily be delays and changes to this and GW is covering themselves this time. Welcome to 2022 we suppose.

HH road map 2

Meanwhile, the Warhammer Community website will continue to publish monthly Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness. These free downloads contain scenarios, special rules, and legendary units for games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, each built around a specific conflict from the Imperium’s darkest days.

Hey, we’ll take any free rules we can get! So them putting these out is nothing we’ll complain about.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about this Horus Heresy release date and lineup?