GW Reveals A New 40k White Dwarf Model For Next Week!

marine wal hor closeIt’s officially Christmas! Don’t miss the new White Dwarf Tech-Priest Grombrindal 40k release that GW just confirmed for next week!

Warhammer Community just let us in on the release for an exclusive White Dwarf model. The model will be available exclusively in retail shops, starting right after Christmas, between Thursday the 26th and Sunday the 29th of December. Get this collector’s piece while you can as this will be a one-time thing!

40k Tech-Priest Grombrindal

techpriest grombindal

grobinal details

Obviously, at a first glance, we can see this guy is jam-packed with details. He also was given trappings of a Magos, including an appropriately sized Omnissian axe. His mechanical beard and goblin minion are an awesome sight as well.

Of course, his first order of business was giving the Black Gobbo the servitor treatment! This hapless grot is the natural counterpart and nemesis of the White Dwarf, suffering yet another humiliating defeat in this vignette. He does have a pretty sweet, tiny arc claw, but his mind-wiped consciousness probably can’t even appreciate it properly. Maybe that data-wafer Grombrindal’s about to insert will make him realise how cool his new body looks. 

After hearing rumors of an Amazonian model for last year, and then that this year’s Special Edition model for the holidays would be male, it looks like GW has hit their mark with this one!

Are you excited about the new model? Or are you more excited for other releases this month? Maybe you just want the model for the collector’s aspect?

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