GW Reveals New Maggotkin of Nurgle Age of Sigmar Rules

maggotkin-new-rules-preview-codexThe new Maggotkin of Nurgle Diseased rules show just how gross the followers of Nurgle really are- check it out!

With the pre-order happening next week, you know GW was going to show off some rules to build that hype. If you want to see the releases on the way, you can check them out here.

They didn’t reveal a ton of rules yet, but the ones they did are quite interesting and will make a big impact.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new rules and the mechanic called Disease Points. If you’ve been wondering what’s going to change in the new edition for the army, this at least is a start!

GW Reveals New Maggotkin of Nurgle Age of Sigmar Rules

Maggotkin rules

Deep in the Garden of Nurgle, Grandfather concocts deadly diseases for his daemonic spawn and mortal followers to spread. He’s been working for a long time on this latest batch, and his results will bring calamity to your opponents with a new rule that will see your foes afflicted with deleterious agues and buboes.

This is a very interesting mechanic and this isn’t the only way to put disease points onto your enemy. Dealing mortal wounds is also really strong and if you can get up to that sacred number, you should be dealing 3.5 Mortal to a unit.

Maggotkin rules 2

If you thought that was bad enough, you were wrong. The weapons of the Maggotkin make a mockery of good maintenance and hygiene.  These corroded slabs of metal and suppurating Daemon claws all weep with foul blights that transfer maladies every time they score a critical blow.

They also say these two aren’t the only ways to get disease points. Meaning you should be able to get all kinds of mortal wounds off throughout the game. With just the weapons, if you have a ton of attacks, you should be able to max out the disease points with just this and being close to an enemy unit.

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What do you think about the new Maggotkin rules so far? 

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