New Shadow Throne & Maggotkin Pricing CONFIRMED

new-shadow-throne-box-set-this-week-releases-gwCheck out the confirmed pricing for the Shadow Throne box and all the new Maggotkin releases hitting the shelves soon! 

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop on Saturday, December 11th, 2021.

New Shadow Throne & Maggotkin Pricing CONFIRMED

There is something for both AoS and 40k lovers this next weekend, so be on the lookout! Just remember, the books for Custodes and Genestealer Cults won’t be out until January 2022, just something to keep in mind. Let’s check out the pricing!

9th warhammer 40k banner

Shadow Throne $170

shadowthrone box

Sneaky Genestealers and stalwart Adeptus Custodes clash in the cavernous chambers within the Palace in Shadow Throne.

the Reductus Saboteur and the Blade Champion

Containing two forces ready to fight to the death, this battlebox is also the first place to acquire the Reductus Saboteur and the Blade Champion, new characters for each faction.

Which by the way, both are looking like they will be pretty good additions to their factions.

shadowthrone pre-order weekend promiseJust like with most recent box pre-orders, GW is combating scalpers by enforcing a pre-order promise. This is a great step to making the hobby fairer for the average consumer, especially when you realize the huge issue of scalpers in other areas like the PS5 and XBOX Series X market.

The box contains a total of 25 minis with 2 new characters for each faction.  Let’s start with the Genestealer Cults value then go to the Adeptus Custodes.

shadow throne contents

  • Broodcoven $60
  • Neophyte Hybrids $44
  • Reductus Saboteur $35 (Based on recent characters, might be as high as $40)

Genestealer Cults MSRP: $139-$144

  • Allarus Custodians $50
  • Witchseeker Squad $49
  • Blade Champion $35 (Based on recent characters, might be as high as $40)

Adeptus Custodes MSRP: $134-$139

Overall MSRP: $273-283

Cost of Box: $170 

Total Estimated Value: $103-113

So, if you break it down with a friend, you’ll be paying right around $85 a person and getting about $55 in value each. So, honestly, there is solid value inside (but still less than Hexfire, which got $80 in value per person) and the units included are pretty decent judging from their new rules.

Now let’s check out the AoS releases.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle $50

Maggotkin of Nurgle battletome

This pustulent tome contains everything you need to play the harbingers of rot, including battle traits, command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, and Path to Glory rules. There are also grand strategies, battle tactics, and 27 warscrolls covering all of the revolting denizens of Nurgle’s Garden, both daemonic and mortal. 

With one of the longest un-updated factions now being brought up to speed, its players can rejoice! They can always pick up the fancy collectors edition if they want to celebrate the occasion.

Rotbringer Sorcerer $30

Rotbringer Sorcerer

Nurgle has also blessed his favoured sorcerers with a glow-up (of sorts), and a new Rotbringer Sorcerer is joining the fray. This warped individual is the perfect vector for a host of new spell lores, which will fill your opponents with phlegm, ague, and cholic.

As the only new unit, this is an exciting model. It reminds us of the Death Guard Plaugecaster who seems to have a very similar Nurgle-y wizard theme, hopefully, it’s as good or better respectively.

Vanguard: Maggotkin of Nurgle $125

Vanguard Maggotkin of Nurgle

If these maladies and ailments sound appealing, this all-new Vanguard boxed set is an ideal beginning for your own septic spearhead. It’s just as good as a corpulent core for a budding Maggotkin army, or as another pus-filled lesion for your existing legion.

This new bundle type is similar to a combat patrol, but just a touch smaller. This one features the Patrol but adds in some Nurgle Daemons for good measure, giving you a better variety than the faction has to offer.

So breaking down the value of the contents of the box we now have:

  • Scrivener $34
  • 2x Pusgoyle Blightlords  $65
  • Blightkings $57
  • 10x Plaguebearers $36

MSRP: $192

Savings with Vanguard Box: $67

That savings puts the new Vanguard box value in a similar range to the 40k Combat Patrol boxes (check out all their breakdowns here)

Maggotkin of Nurgle Dice $35 and Warscroll Cards $30

Maggotkin of Nurgle Dice and Warscroll CardsAs per usual you’ll be able to pick up some new dice and warscroll cards to either show off devotion or help you grind out those early games more efficiently.

Volpone Glory (HB) $27

Volpone Glory

Nick Kyme’s Volpone Glory takes readers to the Sabbat Worlds, where the haughty Volpone Bluebloods are tasked with the liberation of an island chain from the Archenemy.

Crimson Fists: The Omnibus (PB) $18

Crimson Fists The Omnibus

The bold Crimson Fists stand unmovable in the face of immeasurable odds in this omnibus that collects together the catastrophic events that they endured as their Chapter Monastery on Rynn’s World came under attack. Containing two novels, one novella, and four short stories by Mike Lee and Steve Parker, this is the ultimate Crimson Fists collection.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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