GW’s Nurgle Wave 2 Releases: REVEALED

By Juan Lopez | January 14th, 2018 | Categories: Nurgle, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw wallpaper warhammer store fronThis week’s Wave 2 of Nurgle releases pre-orders are in and ready to be added to your collection. Checkout the lineup with descriptions and prices.

Beast of Nurgle: $40


Beasts of Nurgle are slug-like monstrosities whose enormous bodies are weighed down with slime-slick muscle and blubber. Fanged maws yawn wide in their flesh, and an unspeakable reek wafts from their bodies – but for all their horrifying aspect, they are friendly and enthusiastic creatures. Their minds know nothing of malice or spite, and as they squirm into battle they do not seek to slaughter the enemy but to play with them. Beasts of Nurgle are always desperate for attention, and they hunt down new playmates with rambunctious glee.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Beast of Nurgle. He doesn’t carry weapons, rather smothering the enemy with his claws, tentacles and slobbering tongue. there are 3 options for his impressive belly, which attach to the single body assembly – 1 with a toothed maw, 1 with a few deep cuts and 1 with a large gaping wound showing a variety of internal organs. There are 2 sets of hands supplied, each featuring 1 hand reaching out with the other steadying the Beast – 1 set is webbed, and the other is clawed, with 2 similar sets of feet. 3 different faces are available, each more manic than the last – 1 featuring a single eye, 1 featuring an icon of Nurgle where the eye should be and 1 with a pair of eyes practically bursting out of the Beast’s skull. There are 2 crests of tentacles, and 2 tongues.

This kit comes as 48 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 60mm Round base. Beasts of Nurgle can be added to Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.

Pusgoyle Blightlords: $65


Putrid Blightkings that succeed in infecting 77 foes with a vile curse according to the Feast of Maggots are rewarded by becoming Pusgoyle Blightlords. Symbiotically connected to the Rot Fly that he receives, the Blightlord rarely if ever leaves its saddle. Between the powerful blows of the Blightlords themselves and the lashing limbs and biting maws of their mounts, a band of Pusgoyle Blightlords can shatter an enemy battle line in a single charge. Like a wound that admits a lethal infection, they tear open a gap for the rest of the Rotbringers to flow into and destroy the foe from the inside out.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords. Each is mounted on an enormous Rot Fly, a revolting insect with 4 brittle wings that drips and drizzles foul fluids onto the battlefield as they drone through the skies. These flies are bloated and spindly at the same time, with numerous beady eyes and horrible fangs. The Blightlords themselves are particularly grim – 1 features a toothed maw in his distended belly, the other a series of veins, tentacles and Nurgle icons. Both models have large poles attached to their backs – you have the option of modelling them with either a cloth banner, a metal icon of Nurgle or (and this is really something) an impaled, rotting cadaver with an expression of sheer agony. They wield massive blighted weapons, with choices of scythes or a trident, and come with choices of covered or bare heads, equally grisly in detail. 3 Nurglings accompany them – 1 with a censer, 1 riding a tiny drone and 1 chewing gleefully on his own intestines…

The Pusgoyle Blightlords come as 76 components, and are supplied with 2 Citadel 60mm Round bases. This kit can be optionally used to assemble a Lord of Afflictions.

Sloppity Bilepiper: $25


While the jokes and songs of Plaguebearers infected by the Chortling Murrain find little purchase amidst the glum Plaguebearers, Nurgle’s other daemons find the antics of the Sloppity Bilepipers hilarious. Unfortunately for their foes, this disease is incredibly infectious, and can cause mortals to laugh until their sides literally split. Despite their roles amusing the warbands of Nurgle as they march to war, the Sloppity Bilepiper is resigned to grim fate, eventually being reshaped into a set of pestilent gutpipes for the next victim of the Chortling Murrain to take up.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Sloppity Bilepiper. Surprisingly lithe and cheerful, he is posed in a somewhat capering manner, holding his marotter aloft and his gutpipes in the crook of his arm. The marotter is a strange weapon, essentially a big stick with a Plaguebearers head stuck on the end, clad in a jester’s cap with spiked censers at the end of each of the three flaps. The gutpipes are another thing entirely – a large, miscellaneous organ with a bunch of ramshackle valves and pipes jammed into it, tied together with bits of rag and leather. The Bilepiper himself features jolly bells tied to his ankles and wrists, an icon-adorned hood and a split in his pot belly through which his guts dangle hilariously. A Nurgling is included, which can be placed at the Bilepiper’s feet, dancing joyously along to the wheezing and groaning noises issued from the sphincters of his gutpipes.

The Sloppity Bilepiper comes as 9 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 32mm Round base. This model can be added to Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 armies.

Lord of Blights: $25


A Lord of Blights is a brutish figure who creates and destroys in equal measure. Swollen with muscle, he lumbers into the midst of the foe swinging his bubotic hammer in thunderous arcs. Every impact shatters bone and ruptures organs, leaving his victims lying like bruised and rotten fruit on the ground. Yet this brutality has a purpose beyond simple murder – the Lord of Blights cultivates fine crops of death’s heads that he hands out to his warriors, enabling them to fling volleys of diseased projectiles. The Lord of Blights keeps the finest specimens for himself, hanging them from his gallowrack to hurl during battle.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Lord of Blights. Bloated and bursting, like most of the Rotbringers, his silhouette is noticeably dominated by the makeshift gallowrack nailed to his back, from which 3 ripening heads dangle. He wields an enormous, dented bubotic hammer along with a vermid shield – these are both covered in the appropriate Nurgle icons, with the shield being especially spiked and disease-ridden. His belt, overwhich his unpleasantly distended and torn belly flops, features a plague knife. The aforementioned belly is disgorging maggots at an alarming rate – it’s difficult to tell how the Lord of Blights feels about this, as his face is covered almost entirely by his helmet, through which one eye socket peers curiously.

The Lord of Blights comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.

Affliction Cyst: $260


Pick up 8 Pusgoyle Blightlords in a single click, assemble 1 as a Lord of Afflictions and use them to field the Affliction Cyst, a Warscroll Battalion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar which can hover above the battlefield, dropping from the skies to unleash filth and fury at the end of your first turn. Included:

– 4 sets of Pusgoyle Blightlords, making 8 in total – assemble 1 as the optional Lord of Afflictions.

The Slime Hounds: $120


Grab a collection of 3 Beasts of Nurgle with this bundle – create 1 of each belly and head option in the box! You’ll have a great variety of slimy, slug-like monstrosities ready for the gaming table in no time.

Lord of Afflictions: $65

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Astride a massive Rot Fly, the Lord of Afflictions spearheads the Rotbringer charge. The wings of his revolting steed streak the sky with foulness as he leads attack waves of fly-mounted mortals and daemons directly into the heart of the enemy forces. Contagion spreads outward from those wounded by the Lord of Afflictions with frightening speed. As the Rotbringer lord buzzes skyward in search of fresh victims, he leaves in his passing a blossoming epidemic of his god’s deadliest plagues, a sight which warms his blackened heart as he soars above the press of combat.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Lord of Afflictions. He is mounted on an enormous Rot Fly, a revolting insect with 4 brittle wings that drips and drizzles foul fluids onto the battlefield as it drone through the skies. This fly is bloated and spindly at the same time, with numerous beady eyes and horrible fangs. He wields an enormous festerspike – a diseased trident – and the Rot Fly drags below a sinister dolorous tocsin, a wrecking bell that crushes anything it does not smash aside. The Lord of Afflictions’ grotesquely swollen body is almost entirely encased in thick armour, with a gauntleted hand pointing at the next unfortunate victim.

The kit also contains the components to assemble an accompanying Pusgoyle Blightlord – you have the option of modelling them with either a cloth banner, a metal icon of Nurgle or (and this is really something) an impaled, rotting cadaver with an expression of sheer agony. They wield massive blighted weapons, and come with choices of covered or bare heads, equally grisly in detail. 3 Nurglings accompany them – 1 with a censer, 1 riding a tiny drone and 1 chewing gleefully on his own intestines…

The kit comes as 76 components, and is supplied with 2 Citadel 60mm Round bases.

This Weeks Nurgle Pre-Orders: $155


A glut of horrid, disease-ridden miniatures this week for use in Warhammer Age of Sigmar – in one single click, get your hands on:

– A Beast of Nurgle, massive slug-like playful creature;
– A set of 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords, with the option to assemble a Lord of Afflictions;
– A bloated, bursting Lord of Blights;
– A Sloppity Bilepiper, manically jolly and capering daemon.

That’s it for this week’s new product roundup! Be sure to check back in with us later in the week for more new releases for the hobby!