Iceman Is Sliding Into MCP With Chilling New Rules!

MCP Ice Man RulesYou might want to grab a coat; Iceman is sliding his way into MCP with new rules in the latest expansion pack alongside Shadowcat!

We got to see Iceman previewed at Ministravaganza (along with his card), but now we get to take a further in-depth look at his rules and gimmicks. It’s time to check out one of the frozen founders himself!  If you’re reading this after 3/1/2024, you can pick him up from your favorite local store. Let’s jump into the rules!

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Iceman & Shadowcat: $39.99

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Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men ModelsIt’s hard to beat Iceman as an iconic character for X-Men! Plus he will be a good low-cost option (points-wise), which is always nice to have to make your force more flexible.

Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 2


Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 3

Players will bring youthful exuberance to the table with the Iceman & Shadowcat Character Pack. These two fan-favorite X-Men add new low-cost options to the Affiliation. With show-stopping affiliated Team Tactic Cards in tow, these rising stars are the jewel of any mutant Squad on the battlefield.

Iceman Is Sliding Into MCP With Chilling New Rules!

MCP Ice Man Rules card

The Iceman of Marvel: Crisis Protocol joins the battlefield on his classic ice slide. The young Bobby Drake is a 3 Threat Value character with 5 Stamina on both sides of his card. He has slightly above average defenses with 4 Physical and 3 in both Energy and Mystic. His attacks and superpowers are efficient with lots of utility.

Iceman’s first attack, Freezing Blast, is a Range 3 beam attack. This attack has an unremarkable Strength 4, but after each attack is resolved Iceman will gain 1 Power and the target may end up with the Slow condition as the chill of ice lingers on them. His second attack, Chill, is a Range 3, Strength 7 attack that costs him 3 Power. This attack has a chance to Stagger opponents as the ice takes hold of them!

Iceman has a respectable movement stat of Medium, but his first superpower, Freeze and Fade, really shows how mobile he can be. This superpower costs 2 Power and an action to let him make an attack action followed by a move action. What makes this superpower unique is that when he makes this move, he counts as Size 5 as he creates ice slides to quickly traverse the battlefield’s terrain.

For a 3-threat character, he has some decent damage output and has a lot of movement. Plus, his attacks all give your enemies conditions on top of the damage.

MCP Ice Man Rules card 2

Speaking of ice slides, his second superpower, Ice Slide, allows him to assist his squad with some quick relocation. This Active superpower allows an allied character that is near him when he starts a move action to be Placed within Range 2 of their current location after he finishes moving. With a 2 Power cost, this superpower is often available and combines well with Freeze and Fade to enable darting attacks that pull allies out of danger!

Iceman’s final superpower will make any opponent who wants to get in close think twice before going after him. Cold Snap is an Innate superpower that makes enemy characters who end moves or make attacks within Range 2 of him suffer the Slow special condition as the icy air around Iceman begins to affect their movements. If they already have the Slow special condition, they will suffer 1 Damage as the frost bites them. Enemies that rush in to attack him may trigger both effects during their turn if they aren’t careful.

Freeze and Fade and Ice Slide are super cool, as they feel very narrative and give you a ton of movement shenanigans. Then, Cold Snap lets him deal a little extra damage while slowing down a bunch of models.

Click Here to Get Your New Marvel Crisis Protocol Minis!

Will you pick up the Iceman & Shadowcat pack up, and what do you think of the new MCP rules for Bobby Drake? 

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