LIVE Reveals From Games Workshop’s LVO Preview

space marine wal hor wide

The time is now, GW is previewing more of their 2019 releases tonight at the LVO. We are covering the event live as it unfolds from 10pm to 11pm EST


We saw a ton of previews already from GW for the 2019 release calendar at the new years open, and have been hearing a ton of rumors about possible campaign books, Primarchs, and even new Chaos Space Marines as well.

gw preview adam and stu

Adam & Stu From Warhammer Community at LVO 2019

From the Warhammer Community page, it looks they have previews for everyone that couldn’t make the event!

Shadowspear Box Set & New Models

A new Box Set called Shadowspear is coming and contains forces of Chaos & Space Marines. The Box will contain all new miniatures. Take a look at what was previewed:


chaos venom crawler

Arachnid Daemon Engine Venomcrawler

…the Venomcrawler is a skittering horror that provides withering infernal fire support. This thing is so saturated in the taint of the Warp that its presence thins the veil of reality itself, allowing Daemons easier access to realspace.

New Obliterator Models

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New Obliterator models are coming inside the box that look to be festering with Chaos warp taint. These brutes are fantastic on the table and become even scarier with the Mark of Slaanesh.

Master of Possessions


chaos sorcerer

The New Sorcerer that was previewed earlier is actually some kind of character that specializes in possessions. He’ll be armed with spells that are specifically designed to help out Daemon allies and corrupt the enemies around him.

New Chaos Marine Models

new chaos marines

While the Chaos Marine unit itself is nothing new, the black Legion are getting completely new sculpts! It’s been a long time coming for Chaos support and we’re finally getting it!

Vanguard Librarians

vanguard librarian

These Librarians focus on a certain “lore” of psychic spells. They specialize in concealing their allies letting them get into a better fighting position before revealing themselves deep within enemy territory.


primaris eliminators

Eliminators are dead-eye snipers. From concealed positions, these expert marksmen target and take out key enemy leaders, utilising a range of exotic and deadly ammunition tailored to their target.

Primaris look to finally be getting their own version of Sniper Scouts. We know that Primaris bolters have a bit of AP built in so what could these Sniper rifles have in store for us?

Abaddon’s Bits Previewed in Video

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Abaddon looks to be coming. GW showed “The Warmaster” and a video with his iconic Talon of Horus and Daemonic sword standing on a dead Primaris Lieutenant.

At the very end of the video, the clock began to countdown once more from 26:00:00. This looks to be pointing directly towards Vigilus. The Warmaster could be making planetfall when the clock strikes zero to stop the Ultramarines in their tracks.

Battle Sister Bulletin & New Model

battle sisters bulletin

Games Workshop announced that they’ll be posting everything to do with Sisters of Battle in a section of their website called the “Battle Sister Bulletin” this will be your one-stop-shop place to find all the latest details on the faction as Games Workshop works to bring us a codex.

They also previewed a new Sisters mini!

sister of battle

Maybe this mini will be something like an Ancient for the Space Marines. It may not be a banner, but that sign she’s holding is still “inspiring”.

Everything Coming to Age of Sigmar

AOS battletomes

A Battletome for every major Alliance looks to be coming in 2019. Perhaps the smaller factions of Order, Death, Chaos, and Destruction will be getting some love.

However, the next major Battletome will be for the Blades of Khorne.

Blades of Khorne: Next Battletome & New Models

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Games Workshop has jumped on the Endless spell train whenever a faction gets a Battletome update. But what do you do when you focus on a faction that doesn’t have any wizards? Well, you make manifestations of Khorne’s wrath!

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“Endless Spell equivalent” models for Khorne called Judgements


The age-old named Bloodletter is getting a model rework, speaking of new models. He’s still the same Skulltaker you know and love…just with a new sculpt!

Soul Wars Continues


To add even more to this heaping dose of news, the Soul Wars campaign is expanding with the opening of the Stormvault. In a video from Warhammer Community, there’s a new insignia that has heavy Stormcast influences. Apparently, something “terrible has awakened” and the Stormvaults have been opened in response.

 Warcry Announced: Age of Sigmar Kill Team


A new type of game is on the way throwing pieces of Age of Sigmar in with Kill Team. And no, this isn’t Warhammer Underworlds. This is something completely different that sounds like it will be a more in-depth skirmish-style game with heavy influences of Chaos. Warhammer Community released a video of some kind of twisted voice “calling” fighters to far ends of the realms.

Warhammer Underworlds Warband: Ylthari’s Guardians

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ylthari's guardians

Sylvaneth decided to emerge from the forests for a slice of the action in Warhammer Underworlds. A new Warband of four characters will be on the way!

Ylthari’s Guardians feature a distinct play style that takes everything you love about the Sylvaneth – durability, flexibility and magical power – and translates it perfectly into the intense, competitive scale offered by Warhammer Underworlds. If you’re looking to turn over a new leaf and fancy branching* out into a new warband, this is the one for you!

Remember to check back all weekend long for the latest coverage from the 2019 LVO Convention and our expert opinions on the big reveals! Let us know what you think about what’s on the way to the tabletops in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group!


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