GW Announces Global Price Increases For 1000’s of Products

GW-price-hikes-increasesGames Workshop has announced upcoming price increases on thousands of Warhammer products, the third increase since December 2022.

We saw some stealth price increases over the last few weeks, with Vanguard boxes going up by $10, an increase in price to retailers in the UK, and basically every new unit box costing $60.

We hope this isn’t as big as last year’s increase, as it hit thousand of items, but they are actually increasing the prices around the exact same day as last year and on a lot of stuff.

If you want to see all 3,000 products that received an increase in 2022, you can check that out here. For now, though, let’s look at what will be going up soon.

Games Workshop Announces Upcoming Price Increases for 2023

The info comes from this Warhammer Community post.

pricing update

We’re sure it hasn’t escaped your notice that a lot of things are more expensive than they used to be: food, materials, transport – essentials and luxuries alike. Stuff costs more to make and more to move, and Warhammer is not immune to these changes.

This means that from the 6th March we’ll be increasing some prices. 

Vanguard Slaves to DarknessKeep in mind that in 2022, the price increases hit on March 7th, so unfortunately, this looks like it might become the yearly price increase date…

Here’s what’s changing according to Games Workshop.

The average change for plastic kits is about 6%. As an example of what you can expect, a Battle Sisters Squad goes up £1.50 from £36 to £37.50.*

We understand that no one likes a price rise. We’ve done our best to keep prices down on some of your hobby essentials, and we’re giving you a heads-up now so that you have plenty of time to take advantage of current prices. 

What is changing:
Plastic miniatures
Forge World and Citadel resin miniatures
Standard and Artificer Citadel brushes
Spray paints


What is not changing:
Starter sets
Paint sets
Paint pots
Citadel Tools
Codexes, rulebooks, and battletomes
Synthetic STC brushes

Well, maybe the only good news is starter sets are not changing, but that’s not entirely true, as you could easily consider the Vanguard boxes as a starter set, and they are already more expensive, but who knows? Perhaps GW considers only the items labeled starter sets as such.

According to this, books won’t increase, which is good, but besides that, it’s pretty much everything. Yes, paints staying the same is nice, but basically, every type of mini could see an increase. While 6% doesn’t seem insane on one kit, it could add up to be a lot over a full army.

So, if you’ve had your eye on a particular box set or army, you may want to grab it now instead of waiting until after March 6th 2023! As we said, last year, we saw over 3,000 items increase, and from the sounds of it, we could see something similar this year, especially when you add in Forge World and Finecast minis.

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What are your thoughts on the latest yearly increase from Games Workshop? 

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