More Forge World HH Space Marines Hit Last Chance to Buy

last chance forge world to buyForge World is rotating more Horus Heresy minis out of stock with them putting them on the last chance to buy list- check out what’s leaving!

This is the second week in a row with more models hitting the last chance to buy list, meaning you don’t have much time left to get these. Well, maybe you will have more time soon, as it seems like they may be rotating out minis that will be plastic when the new Horus Heresy edition comes out.

Especially considering they are getting rid of the Mark VI armor, and they have confirmed they will be plastic. So, don’t get too worried as there’s a good chance these are coming back in plastic, maybe… we hope

More Forge World HH Space Marines Hit Last Chance to Buy

HH Last chance to Buy

Horus Heresy last chancre to buyAs you can see, the Mark VI armor is in there, and we know they are coming back in plastic. Plus in the rumored starter set, we’ve also seen a Spartan and Contemptor Dreadnought in there, so it would make sense for them to rotate both out right before they hit in plastic.

One last interesting thing about this rotation, the Leviathan Dread’s weapons are not on the list, but the Contemptor’s are. Does that mean you’ll still have to buy the Leviathan’s weapons from FW? We’ll have to wait and see.

These Horus Heresy kits are now on the last chance to buy list:

  • Contemptor
  • Sicaran
  • Deimos Rhino
  • MK IV Armour
  • Leviathan (but not the weapons?)
  • Spartan
  • Contemptor Weapons

For now, though, you can grab all these great kits here on Forge World’s site!

Click Here To Get Your Eternus Assault Armor!

Next up, last week, they put a bunch of other miniatures from the Badab war on the list, and they are still on there! So if you missed those, there is still a bit more time for the Red Scorpions as well.

Casan Sabius and Sirae Karagon – Regents of the Ordon Rift:

Red Scorpions

Casan Sabius is renowned among the Red Scorpions as a formidable strategist and swordsman, and when Lord High Commander Culln fell in combat against the Great Beast of Sarum, it was he who the Chapter rallied around in that dark hour. Sabius took command of the Chapter fleet, enacting a flawless strategy of disengagement from the tendrils of Hive Fleet Kraken whilst coordinating a precision orbital bombardment. In doing so he ensured the survival of the Chapter.

Magister Sevrin Loth Chief Librarian of the Red Scorpions with Honour Guard:

Red Scorpions 3

A veteran of centuries of battle, Sevrin Loth is one of the most potent battle-psykers in the entire history of the Red Scorpions Chapter. Across the breadth of the Imperium, there are few able to match his destructive psychic powers and as Magister, or Chief Librarian of the Red Scorpions, Loth serves as one of the Chapter Master’s most trusted advisors.

This is a super cool kit and once they leave the store, we see the secondary market going up for these, but since they aren’t super popular, who knows.

Lugft Huron Chapter Master of the Astral Claws:

Red Scorpions 4

A multi-part resin miniature of the Chapter Master of the Astral Claws, Lugft Huron, during the dark days of the Badab War. Supplied with a resin scenic base. Armed with an ancient master-crafted Lightning Claw of dark origin and a Heavy Flamer, Huron epitomizes the brutal frontal assault tactics for which the Adeptus Astartes are renowned.

Deimos Pattern Damocles Command Rhino:

Red Scorpions 2

First designed to fulfil the needs of the Ultramarines Legion, the Damocles Command Rhino was a principal command and control vehicle in use by all of the Legiones Astartes by the latter days of the Great Crusade. Based on the ubiquitous Deimos pattern Rhino, the Damocles is equipped with sophisticated communications, cognis-analysis and tracking equipment, including a powerful orbital-interface secure vox-transceiver. 

Land Speeder Tempest:

Red Scorpions 5

The Tempest variant of the Land Speeder features an armoured and enclosed single-seat cockpit, nose-mounted Assault Cannon and side-mounted missiles. The Tempest is deployed by Marine Chapters when fast-moving heavy fire support is needed.

Either way, new rules and even just one new Horus Heresy starter box set at the bare minimum would be a great thing to see.  Here are all the latest rumors on the upcoming rules updates and new models for the Horus Heresy system.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

Click Here For All the GW Previews & Adepticon 2022 Coverage

Do you think these Horus Heresy models on the Last Chance to buy list will come out in plastic?

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