More New Genestealer Cult Models Spotted

By Rob Baer | June 30th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Genestealer Cult

More Genestealer Cult pics with new models were spotted out there. Is GW already preparing for their codex, or is Kill Team enroute?

What we already saw:

Zamerion on DakkaDakka posted some pictures in a case that looked too legit to just be a conversion or kitbash. We’ve got two new models that are raising questions in the community this morning. So with that, let’s dive in.

genestealer gunslinger

Starting off with this model, right off the bat you could guess he’s some kind of bounty hunter/ elite assassin character. Could this be a new Genestealer equivalent to the Imperium’s assassins? Or maybe a new HQ choice the army will have the option of taking when their codex drops?

See the base he’s standing on? There are a few key parts about it that make it look like it’s sculpted. If it is a sculpted base, does that mean this could be an ETB Genestealer? Sculpted bases don’t always mean it’ll be ETB. We do have a Cadre Fireblade for Tau and all the Dreadnoughts with “sculpted bases”. However, it seems like there’s an ETB kit with every sculpted base for new releases lately.

New Aberrant Model?


Look at the model closest to the camera. There are aberrants standing behind him, but he’s got a wider head than all the others. It looks like he’s also in a different pose from the rest and is holding something we just can’t quite see all of. Could this be the new model that was previewed a while back?

There are some obvious differences between the bases of these 2 pictures. The one spotted in the case looks like a custom base, but this image that was spotted a while ago looks to have some plastic rocks. Will this be ETB too?

It looks like a Genestealer hung around the nuclear waste dump too long and picked up some radiation poisoning. He’s even more mutated from the other aberrants.

Editors Note: This appears to be the case at GW in Nottingham. These pics may be still shots of a French YouTube or Facebook Live stream where someone spotted them. Even more curious is perhaps the Nurgle walkers below these. Are those Defilers, Soulgrinders or something… else?

Remember the Kill Team preview video showed GSC vs Ad Mech, and we had been heading this may be a July release following AoS.

More New Genestealer Cult Models Spotted

These were spotted over on Google plus.

More New Genestealer Cult Models Spotted More New Genestealer Cult Models Spotted More New Genestealer Cult Models Spotted More New Genestealer Cult Models Spotted More New Genestealer Cult Models Spotted

We know where that last one is from:


kill team

Kill Team 2018 Rules Revealed

What do you think about these previews? Will this be a new unit in the 40k codex or instead be some sort of Kill Team? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group

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