RUMORS: More New Primaris Marine Variants?

New 40K Primaris Art Wal

More new and recent rumors of new Primaris Marine units and vehicles have been making the rounds. Get your salt licks ready as we check them out.

These new rumors which look to be from the B&C, cover previously rumored and discussed units and some we have not seen or heard of yet, but there does appear to be somewhat reliable overlap…

With that being said, let’s see what the latest rumor has to give us. Remember, don’t forget to add salt.salt pile

The other day I got a sneak preview of some primaris models that are not out yet. Cant share the photos but this is basically legit.. was a quick glance but this is what I saw

– Primaris Apothecary

– Interceptor Squad with what looks like short range dual plasma cannons

– A second variant of the hover tank which had weapon sponsons where the doors are on the side

– A new unit which looks like a cross between a Primaris marine and a centurion it had those new missile packs u see on the tank and dreadnought but on the shoulders of the new unit like how typhoon missile launchers are on terminators. They were carrying heavy weapons I assume its their version of a dev squad.

– Bolter Reivers which actually look really really cool.

Now we have already heard of the Primaris Apothecary and we have covered the Aggressor Primaris Marines as well. 

Some of Jes Goodwin sketch drawings of Space Marines that were on display during Games Day 2004 resurfaced on Dakka Dakka. They have a striking resemblance to the description of the new Aggressor Primaris Marines. Now, the second variant of the hover tank with weapon sponsons will be very interesting to see. As for the Inceptor dual plasmas, we can only wait to see what the dual plasmas will be called and how they will function.

Primaris Reivers

What is odd are the Bolter Reivers since they are being described as a “stealthy, close-combat specialist’ unit.

The bolters could be a bolt-carbine variant to allow for a sniping profile.

Artwork, Centurion, Concept, Devestator, Jes Goodwin, Space Marines

Aggressor Squad

An Aggressor Squad is a Primaris Space Marine unit, that is equipped with shoulder mounted missile racks, that are reloaded from internal armour stores located within the Agressors’ Gravis power armour. They also wield Flame Gauntlets, that billow forth burning promethium.

aggressor sketch

Ultramarines Captain 8th

So imagine this Captain in Gravis armor crossed with what a Centurion? Boom goes the dynamite for sure.

It does appear that the Primaris Marines will be getting their unique variants of every Space Marine unit and vehicle. This is not surprising and now all that remains is to see what rumors and leaked photos appear on forums/ What are your thoughts on these rumors? Do you like that the Primaris Marines are getting their own variants? Would you like to see them with cheaper point costs in the future? Let us know in the comments below.

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