New $1K GW Paints & Rack Coming to Stores Soon

The new Citadel Colors and Contrast paints are coming to stores very soon, and the rumor is that it doesn’t look like it will be cheap for anyone…

GW recently revealed over 30 paints, with 25 contrasts and 7 shades, and now the release of the line looks quite imminent. From what we’ve heard, the new paints will actually hit pre-order next Saturday, meaning the paints will release in early July.

Plus, they also put 30 paints on the Last Chance to Buy List, meaning the line isn’t really increasing, just rotating around.

However, it’s going to be quite expensive for local stores, and gamers who want to actually buy a lot of the new paints… Let’s first check out the release, then get into some maths about what it will cost stores and gamers.

New Citadel Color Contrast, Shades & Spray Paints From GW

New GW PaintsWarhammer Community showed off all the new paints, and they mention very soon, so it makes sense for early July. There are a lot of new Citadel colors, however, we think a lot of folks were looking for something a bit different. Still, if you love GW’s paints and contrast more specifically, this could be really good.

New GW Contrast Paints

New GW Paints 2

Now it’s time to take it to the next level. 25 new Contrast paints are expanding the range into a whole new realm of vibrant colours. These new paints unlock wilder colour palettes for your armies, meaning they’ll stand out even more on the battlefield – painting mind-blowing models will be easier than ever! 


New GW Paints 3

25 new paints is a lot of colour to cover, so we’ve split the range into four simple categories to help you get an idea of what they look like. These new colours run the gamut from bright and bold to grimy and eerie – whether you’re painting a tank turret or a raging Endless Spell, there’s a pot here for you.

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New GW Paints 4There really are some cool colors being added which should make painting a wide range of minis fairly easy. Plus, we won’t complain about new paints, let’s just hope the new line doesn’t raise the prices of the paints once again.

New $1K GW Paints & Rack Coming to Stores Soon

New GW Paints 5Let’s see just how much it would cost for someone to buy all the new paints:

First off for stores to stock them in, they will have to buy the 32 paints x6 per pack x $8 (roughly at full retail) so that equals $1500 plus 6 of the new spray. So, while we all like getting new paints, it may actually be hard for stores to really grab all of them all (even at their retailer discount) unless GW credits them for the paints that are being discontinued.

Why, well they just forked out a lot of cash for Horus Heresy, Magic the Gathering, and depending on who you ask, the US may be headed into a recession too.

For the average hobbyist to ramp up with all the new paints, while you don’t need 6 of each, it will still cost over $250 if you want them all.

Either way, when it comes to the new GW Citadel color and contrast paints, you better start saving those pennies now! 

Will you be picking up any of these new paints, or is it a pass for now? 

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