New 40k, AoS, & More: GW’s Release Preview LATEST

By Rob Baer | November 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

blackstone fortress wal Warhammer 40k Questing: Blackstone Fortress LATEST

Games Workshop dropped some major teasers yesterday- don’t miss all the new previews, and how things may lineup for the holiday season!

GW let the squig out of the bag Friday, and everything looks so good it’s hard to know where to start with a recap.

First off 40k Fans are getting excited about the upcoming Blackstone Fortress which seems to have something for everyone inside:

GW Drops Big Reveals For Blackstone Fortress

Is That a Squat? GW Drops Big Reveals For Blackstone Fortress

Squats?, Beastmen, Robots, Chaos of all shapes and sizes, and the one of the freshest Eldar sculpts to date.  Who would have thought this was the lineup that would be in the box!

As of right now, we know the box will be $150 and it will go on pre-order November 10th.

Slaanesh & Khorne Get New Models Too! Wrath & Rapture

daemonette close up chaos demon hor wal

Slaanesh and Khorne are getting new models too it seems in the Wrath and Rapture box. Take a look at the latest word on these two Chaos factions!

The latest video preview mentioned  “exclusive new characters” and from what we made out of the video, nothing stood out as a new character model.

We do have some potential ideas though about what may be coming from previous rumors that look to be coming true in order:

  • a new box set will come out similar to the Speed Freeks Box for Orks. Sources indicate it will be for Aeldari / Ynnari. CONFIRMED
  • Fiends of Slaanesh will be getting a new model (finally)
  • A new Slaaneshi model will feature a female looking form playing the harp on a guy’s skin
  • Fugrim is also supposedly 100% in the works as well

More Previews For Sisters & What’s Next from GW

sisters of battle celestine

Games Workshop was at the Blood and Glory event showing off a hefty serving of previews on what’s coming from the company. Let’s take a look at everything that was spotted.

The Next Battletome

GW didn’t drop any names here but in this short clip, we can make some STRONG guesses as to what the next battletome will be. Notice the face in the moon and the mushrooms coming into focus as the camera pans down? Are GOBBOS next in line for an AoS overhaul? Let’s hope so!

Older beasts of Chaos Models: Made to Order

beasts of legend

To celebrate the recent update on Beasts of Chaos, they announced that they would be making some of the older characters of the faction that have never before been available on their own. But they’re not stopping there. They also said:

we’ll be giving a host of Beasts of Chaos Heroes and units from the world-that-was a permanent home with a new Warhammer Legends download that lets you field a Chaos Beastmen army of the Old World in narrative and open play.

Chapter Approved 2018

chapter approved 2018

Kicking off a Chapter Approved 2018 preview in a 1980’s themed-video, they mentioned Sisters of Battle, Farsight Enclaves, and Looted Wagons.

Starting with Sisters of Battle, we can take a look at a stratagem and an Order of the Sororitas that was dropped as a teaser.

burning descent

Pretty good when you drop a unit full of flamers that are automatically hit their target, have their range increased to 12″ AND get to shoot again later in the turn.

order of the bloody rose

S3 models jumping to S4 isn’t a bad tactic at all. Especially when it activates only when it comes into account. This makes Sisters like a Pseudo Catachan Guard army.

Xenos Warbands Plague Vigilus

A haunting video shows a transmitted message from an imperial faction on Vigilus requesting for reinforcements. Xenos Warbands from all across the galaxy have been striking defenses and are unable to be contained by what’s left on the planet. What could be the future for this bastion?

Necromunda: Agents of Delaque

House Delaque was announced as the final House coming to Necromunda.

Re-designed and re-born in glorious multipart plastic, your House Delaque gang will be available in a jam-packed kit that lets you build a host of sinister gangers armed with all manner of unique equipment – not to mention the best trench coats the underhive has to offer.

agents of delaque


agents of delaque 6

agents of delaque 7

necromunda new books

If House Delaque was enough to convince you to start Necromunda, we’ve got good news for you. Two new books are coming out with all of the rules so far packed into them. These will be all you need to play for a while.

Godsworn Hunt: Darkoath in Nightvault

darkoath nightvault

The full Darkoath Warband was also previewed at the event. Check out every model in the latest video.

darkoath nightvault 2

Fans of chaos will be able to play this Warband in Nightvault sometime soon. You know there will still be exclusive cards coming alongside these minis. Even if you’ve already settled on your favorite Warband to main, you may still want to grab this expansion!

Useful Tools Coming to the Community

kill team command roster

An online Kill Team building roster is in the works. You’ll be able to simply plug and play! No dates have been announced for this just yet so keep your eyes peeled. Warhammer Underworlds is also getting some support for the players that want to get into the game faster.

WHU deckbuilder

Designed to make building killer decks as simple as possible, and including additional functionality for making sure your deck is tournament legal, it’s sure to become your ideal companion for adventures in the Mirrored City.


What do you think about all of these previews? Which one has you the most excited? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.