New 40k Unit Rumors, GSC, & Gloomspite Gitz, LATEST

eternal crusade abaddon

New 40k units may have been spotted for Chaos, and GSC, plus new teasers from GW on specialist games, Rumor Engines and more!

Here are all the latest announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed if you were trying to stay warm over the weekend!

GW Previews New Titans, Underworlds, & Middle Earth


Seems like next week has something for everyone! Check out what’s new from Games Workshop for Warhammer Underworlds, Titanicus, and Middle Earth!

GW’s 11 New Genestealer Cult Model Kits LATEST

genestealer cult bikeDon’t miss the latest on all the new models that Genestealer Cult are getting as we get closer and closer to their official reveal from Games Workshop. Read More

Hidden In Plain Sight? New 40k Genestealer Cult Vehicle

gsc walIs GW hiding more new 40k units in plain sight? Looks like it! Don’t miss even more rumors on Cult names, colors, and another vehicle may be lurking. Read More

New Black Library: Guants Ghosts & More Horus Heresy

Screenshot_66Even more great books are here from GW’s Black Library, as Commissar Gaunt, and more Horus Heresy headline the lore side of things this week from GW! Read More


New 40k Chaos Unit Hidden In Plain Sight?

Some kind of new Chaos creature was spotted in the most recent 40k new release previews, but does it mean a new unit is on the way? Let’s look at the latest! Read More

New 40k Genestealer Cult Rules Rumors LATEST

genestealer cultDon’t miss all the latest rules rumors for 40k’s Genestealer Cults as they look to be next in line for their new 8th Edition codex. Read More

New Thorin Vs. Azog Diorama From Forge World

Thundehawk crop forge worldForge World is back with a pre-order today showcasing two iconic characters from Middle-Earth. Check out what’ll be hitting the online stores very soon. Read More

23 GW New Release Rumor Engines to Solve in 2019

Can you make these out? Even with the reveals from New Years Open, there are still a TON of rumor engine bits left to identify in 2019! Read More

The Top Warhammer 40k Fan Made Films You Need to Watch

movie angels of deathWhich videos are your favorite? If you haven’t seen these yet, here are some of the top fanmade Warhammer 40k films out there! Read More

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.