New Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition 40k Unit Rules Datasheets

Adeptus custodes datasheets 40k unit rules 9th editionDon’t miss all the new Adeptus Custodes 40k Datasheets and unit rules for their updated 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

With the Adeptus Custodes Codex in hobbyists’ hands and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for defenders of the Emporer.  

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Codex Adeptus Custodes

If you are curious about the recent Custodes vs GSC Army box itself, you can check the contents and values here.

Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition 40k Unit Rules Datasheets

First up for the Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition 40k unit rules datasheets is Trajann Valoris, who is is coming out swinging!

trajann valoris datasheet

Trajann got a few upgrades this time around like +1 Wound, +1 Attack, and his signature Watcher’s Axe now has flat 3 damage instead of d3, making him quite a bit more deadly in melee on paper. However, his “built in” 3+ invulvn is now a 5+ FNP, which is a clear downgrade and could his survivability a bit.

Of course, there are other changes, such as his re-roll aura being updated to only affect CORE units, which was expected. Additionally, his Moment Shackle traded the heal and free stratagem options for damage mitigation and a “fight next” ability.

shield captain datasheet

Just like Trajann, the base Shield-Captain sees a buff of +1 wound and +1 Attack. Some of his weapons are also buffed, with Sentinel Blades shooting attack gaining an AP and a Damage, Castelan Axe melee goes to 2 flat damage instead of d3, Guardian Spear melee getting +1 Strength and flat 2 damage, and Sentinel Blade melee getting +1 strength and flat 2 damage.

Sadly the custodes shield also got NERFED, no longer giving an Invuln save, instead only granting +1 armour saves.

Additionally as expected, his aura is also changed to only affect CORE units.

shiedl captain in allarus terminator armour datasheet

Just like Trajann and the base Shield-Captain, the terminator captain sees a buff of +1 wound and +1 Attack. The weapons see the same changes as the base Shield-Captain with the addition of the Balistus Grenade Launcher getting +1 Strength and +6″ range.

Additionally as expected, his aura is also changed to only affect CORE units.

shield captain on dawneagle jetbike datasheet

The Shield-Captain on Jetbike also sees some buffs to their statline with a nice +2 wounds and +1 attack. The Salvo launcher is also changed to only have the Melta Missile profile, getting its damage changed to d3+3 and losing the wound re-rolls against vehicles. The Interceptor lance gets +1 strength, flat 2 damage, and trades its re-roll trait for +1 to wound on charge and intervention.

Additionally as expected, his aura is also changed to only affect CORE units.

knight-centura datasheet

Comparing the Knight-Centura to a base Sisters of Silence, we see that she now has 5 wounds and 4 attacks, compared to the previous base of 1 and 2. Additionally, the Witchseeker flamer got an AP and the Executioner greatblade now has flat 2 damage instead of d3.

She also has a wound re-roll aura that only affects the Sisters of Silence models.

Custodian Guard datasheet

The Custodian Guard gets +2 to leadership, but no other statline changes, additionally their weapons see the same changes as above with the other units where applicable.

Other than that, they are mostly the same!

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Now let’s recap the Shadowthrone units to give you a better overview of some of the factions updated model performance.

Shadowthrone Unit Datasheets

prosecutor rules from shadowthrone

Prosecutors didn’t gain anything and Lost Psyk-out grenades and Prosecution Protocols

        Overall, Prosecutors look to have only lost rules, but joining the Adeptus Custodes Codex might mean their extra rules in the new full book is enough to counteract the loss.

        vigilators rules from shadowthrone

        Vigilators on the other hand had their Executioner Greatblade changed to flat 2 damage (was d3) and once again lost Psyk-out grenades.

            Overall, Vigilators look to have only lost rules. However, like the Prosecutors, joining the Adeptus Custodes Codex might mean their extra rules in the new full book is enough to counteract the loss.

            allarus custodians rules from shadowthrone

            Allarus Custodians saw a few changes such as; Leadership is now 11 (was 9) and the same weapon changes as above where applicable.

            A small change that might not seem big is the new minimum squad size of one, making it easier to squeeze in extra units for that extra bit of value.

                Vexilus Praetor rules from shadowthrone

                Vexilus Praetors saw quite a few changes. Their statline Leadership is now 11 (was 9) and Wounds is now 7 (was 5). Their wargear options were also changed as they are now equipped with Balistus Grenade Launcher by default and can no longer take the Castellan Axe or Guardian Spear.

                Vexilla’s have been adjusted and streamlined in reference to existing cover rules and you can only take one of each Vexilla in an army. They also lost their re-roll failed Morale test aura.

                      Overall, the Vexilus Praetor seems to have gotten neutral changes, meaning most people who play them will probably continue to.

                      Finally the new kid on the block…

                      Blade Champion rules from shadowthroneThe way that this is worded seems to imply you get access to all three options with one weapon loadout! If that’s true, this model will be nigh unstoppable in melee and can easily put a hurting on a variety of target types. Assuming the Blade Champion can get into melee he will be a huge force multiplier.

                      Even more so, you can feel free to challenge any model in melee thanks to his extremely good defensive ability Consummate Swordsman which makes 1-3 hit rolls auto fail! Not to mention if they actually get a hit through, he gets a +1 bonus to his save in melee.

                      legacy of combat preview

                      While Legacy of Combat gives him a fight-first rule, which is critical to melee-centric models, being able to alpha strike opposing units and prevent as much swing back damage. His additional ability to intervene from further away is a great boost to mobility, allowing him to abuse his CQC defensive buffs more frequently.

                      At 110 points, and based on what we’ve seen so far he should be pretty strong! Especially when you consider everything in Custodes is so high costed, 110 doesn’t seem too bad.

                      Here’s all the latest on the Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k

                      Click Here for all the Newest GW Model Previews

                      What do you think about the new Datasheets for the Adeptus Custodes that have been revealed so far? 

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