New AoS Faction Gloomspire Gitz Rumors: SPOTTED

By Rob Baer | December 25th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Don’t miss all the latest reveals for the newest Destruction faction on the way for Age of Sigmar apparently named the Gloomspire Gitz!

It’s not grot-tember any more, but where there is rumor smoke, there is sometimes fire.  Games Workshop has previews up for the new Grot faction that looks to be on the way soon.

Here’s the latest that we know now, collated from all the late summer rumors, and teaser images that may make the most sense.

warhammer age of sigmar second edition

Initially spotted back in August on The Gaming Community by a user named LLV, he had been dropping rumors of what’s coming our way in the months ahead. Apparently, he’s been right before so his words carry a certain weight on the thread. Take it all with a grain of salt now while we look at the details.

grot wal

Supposedly, we’ve got some Grots headed our way in Age of Sigmar. LLV had this to say:

But Grots (note im saying ‘Grots’ because at this point based on what I’ve been told on the range im not even sure theyre ‘moonclan’ anymore) are happening very soon and I wouldnt be suprised to see them this weekend at Warhammer Fest Europe or at the latest Nova panel next weekend

On August 14th we got a new rumor engine that at the time looked more 40k-ish, but now that we know there is a bad moon rising, perhaps it’s more spider-y in origins?

August 14, 2018 Tyranid Warts? Latest Rumor Engine SPOTTED

rumor engine 8-14-18

What do you think it could be exactly? Perhaps a spider rider of some sort?

There another rumor engine that may fit into all this as well, with a smaller spear pointed out and meaning business:

September 18, 2018  Any Weapon is Better: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-18-18 Any Weapon is Better than No Weapon: GW Rumor Engine

This Rumor Engine pic was been spotted and it looks like they’re up in archaic arms.

Then we saw a new “destruction rises” trailer from GW at the Blood & Glory Sigmar Tournament, and things begin to snap into focus:

The Next Battletome…

Blood & Glory this year is playing host to the world’s biggest Warhammer Age of Sigmar tournament (so far!), with hundreds of players in attendance. This event has always been a champion of fantasy wargaming in the Mortal Realms, so we thought it’d be the perfect place to tease just which army will be getting a new battletome next…

Fast forward to what is starting to be called the grotmas previews and the latest video shows more grots, and what looks to be humans of the mortal realms with a big of a fungus problem:

Plus another bad moon rising, promising more previews on Chrismas Day 2018:

The fantastic community over on TGA, however, may have already let the squig out of the bag, with the reveal of what looks to be the new Battletome itself:

Now if this is the new Battletome, there are some things that we noticed on the front cover alone that have us hopping with green fueled joy:

  • The name Gloomspire Gitz. That seems to imply boys or lads plural, so the rumors of a multi-faction book (like the Beasts of Chaos) may be true!
  • Moonclan theme with the background moon
  • Three Eyed Shaman in the foreground looks way different than we’d expect and may give hobbyists a reason to purchase the new one(s)
  • Squig rider top left gives hope of a revamp to the classic pewter (and resin) critters.
  • Squigs of all shapes and sizes now, more on the menacing side instead of the more classic (jovial) look. However hobbyists love jovial too, just ask Nurgling fans!

So overall Grots are one of the oldest factions from Fantasy, and with hints at a combined Moonkin and XYZ faction book, could GW be molding all the Grot factions into one in an update?

One thing is for sure, they definitely need an update to help round out the Desctuction Allegiance offerings for hobbyists in 2019.

What do you think, are the Grots on the rise this New Year? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.