New Beast Of Nurgle Teaser Arrives

By Juan Lopez | December 30th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Beast of Nurgle

It’s the Beast of Nurgle’s turn in the Seven Days of Nurgle series. Come take a look at the latest miniature gifts, and find out what’s next for 2018!

Games Workshop continues on to the Sixth Day of Nurgle with a look at the new Beast of Nurgle kit. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about this bloated monstrosity.

The new Beast of Nurgle kit is absolutely packed with extras, meaning if you want to field a pack of them you’ll be able to ensure that each looks different. From a variety of exposed innards to flailing tentacles, they’ll be great for converting the rest of your Nurgle Daemons too!


Nurgle fans will now have even more options to customize their Beasts of Nurgle. Yes, Beasts. We know that just one is never enough. These new customization options can even be used for any conversion projects you have slated for other Nurgle Daemons. While this was a very short preview, we still have one more day left in the Seven Days of Nurgle. Be sure to check back with us for that preview as well.

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Here’s some of our predictions for how we’ll see the new Beast of Nurgle kit when it finally hits the shelf:

What looks to be Three Beasts of Nurgle with interchangeable top heads and hands (webbed and clawed)

Wow, it has literally be a lifetime for some hobbyists looking for a better beast model. We got the toads from Forge World a while back, but there was just something about the Beasts that kept folks coming back.

Well here they are!

I would say these will hit store shelves as a kit of three with interchangeable heads, “torsos”, and “hair” for $50 a box. Similar to Aggressors etc in pricing because you will need / want to buy multiples of them.

What do you think about the new Beast of Nurgle kit? Are you liking the addition of more customization options? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.

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