Chaos Knights Detachments, Marks, Psychics 40k Codex Rules

New-Chaos-Knights-rules-3Here are all the new Chaos Knights Harbingers of Dread, Marks, Psychic Powers, and Detachment rules for their updated 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

The internet has struck once again with some big leaks from the upcoming Chaos Knights codex! If you play Chaos Knights, these rules are a great way to decide what to build your new army around from the upcoming codex book!

The Imperial Knights codex will arrive separately before the Chaos Knights book. However, you can score the new models and the new Chaos Knights codex in the army box for a limited time!

Chaos Knights Army Set Box

Chaos Knights Army Set

Containing oodles of new pieces to make dozens of configurations, this lavish launch set is the first place you can get hold of the new Chaos Knights kits, their codex, and their datacards. With enough bits to build one psychically potent Knight Abominant and two War Dogs, this is the perfect basis for a rippin’, tearin’, stompin’ new army, or excellent reinforcements for an existing warband of walkers.

On top of the three models, you also get an exclusive version of the Codex and Datacards, making this the first way for players to be able to experience all the new Chaos Knight goodies, including the brand new Knight Abominant.

Check out the value and if this new box set is worth it or not in our value breakdown by clicking here.

Here’s the most up-to-date look at the new Chaos Knights rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition 40k rules from their codex!

Chaos Knights Detachment Rules For Warhammer 40k

chaos knights Detachment abilities

Fallen Hero is a huge new bonus. You can take a single knight in your other Chaos lists without breaking Doctrines or other army-wide abilities. This is huge! Especially with all the new Psychic Knight support, we will most likely see many people splashing for a knight in their lists going forward.

New Chaos Knights Harbingers of Dread 40k Codex Rules

chaos knights harbingers of dread

This new ability offers a series of cumulative effects that emanate from every corrupted Knight in your army, creating a pall of unnatural weather that swells and twists as the fighting intensifies. At the start of each battle round, you choose an ability from one of three categories – adding a new ingredient to your bubbling brew of Doom, Despair, and Darkness.

Getting these new Chaos Harbinger abilities and rules each turn adds a certain amount of flexibility. which can always be powerful.

These Harbinger abilities follow an ominous meteorological cycle – if you pick Despair, you can’t pick Darkness next round, and vice versa. You’ll need to carefully manage the ebb and flow of your nightmarish storm… Or just pick Doom for all five rounds. DOOM, DOOM, DOOM…

If you start on Doom and change every round, you’ll get Doom 3 rounds, another category for 2, and the third for 1. Of course, you can choose not to switch off a category as well.

chaos knights harbingers of dread chart

Pall of Darkness is simple -1 to hit from more than 12″ away but can be extremely powerful, especially when your opponent is likely to target your knights with hard-hitting long-range weaponry. Paralyzing Insanity looks pretty strong, being able to deny objectives on its own by simply being close. This is potentially a strong competitive option.

Horror of The Warp is decent but not amazing. Some armies get super easy attrition tests, so this is situational at best. Gheist Storm looks phenomenal. Being able to mess with what your opponent can target with attacks is huge, especially if it’s in a soup list, making your non-knights essentially un-targetable.

New Chaos Knights Marks 40k Codex Rules

chaos knights unaligned marks

If you’d prefer your pilot to enjoy a balanced diet of warring Chaos gods, you can instead devote them wholly to the PANTHEON UNDIVIDED, for Favours like the Blessing of the Dark Master. A Fallen Noble who offers worship to a particular shadowy demigod can receive a tenebrous cowl in return, shrouding them from the vision of even the most skilled sniper.

Blessing of The Dark Master is, in short, very good. Getting Transhuman on a knight all the time, then getting rid of all re-rolls will make your Knights so much more durable! Considering there are so many re-rolls out there, this is good to see!

chaos knights khorne and tzee marks

Are you impatiently revving your newly-improved reaper chainblade? Are you sick of blunting your metal teeth on sacred relics and advanced force fields? Khorne’s Blood Shield offers an answer to such trickery – give a Knight the KHORNE keyword and you’ll be able to shut down all invulnerable saves (for your foe and yourself*) once per battle.

Blood Shield is great! You won’t be getting your own Invulnerable saves, but neither will the enemy! So if you need to punch through anything, then this might be the perfect way to go! You will also be able to increase your WS and attacks by 1 if you’re a Psyker, so this will really turn your Knights into combat monsters.

Chaos Knights Psychic Powers 3

Tzeentch has you covered! Any Chaos pilot can – for the dubious price of pledging their immortal soul to the duplicitous Changer of the Ways – earn the gift of the Pyrothrone for their Knight. This cockpit fills the pilot’s mind with the combined arcane knowledge of nine-hundred and ninety-nine long-dead magisters. 

In short, this gives the model the Tzeentch keyword, provides any Knight who isn’t an Abominant the Psyker keyword, and grants the ability to manifest and deny one psychic power. If they are already an Abominant, their power is multiplied to manifest and deny psychic powers up to three times a turn.

This is a really cool way to get all your knights casting spells and taking names! Then, if you pay the extra points, the favored ability will let you re-roll a psychic test.

Chaos Marks 3

On the flipside, Slaanesh offers Knights swiftness beyond imagination, turning lumbering engines of destruction into blurs of chrome and steel. Subjugator Machine Spirit binds the gluttonous soul of a fallen Subjugator Titan into the confines of a Knight, saturating every piston and synapse with its overwhelmingly powerful ego.

This is pretty awesome because you can advance and charge, just getting your Knights into combat just that much faster! Then, you just count as remaining stationery basically all the time.

New Chaos Knights Psychic Powers 40k Codex Rules

chaos knights warp storm psychic powers

Winds of the Warp summons forth a hurricane of gale-force winds that are so powerful they send projectiles careening off-target, with forks of lightning to prematurely detonate warheads – any time the caster loses a wound, a D6 roll of 5+ prevents this from happening. If they manifest this blessing on an 8 or higher, the winds may mutate and weld shut the damaged carapaces of War Dog-class Knights. If they’re within 6” of the Psyker when they lose a wound, you can roll a D6, and the wound is not lost on a roll of a 6.

Considering you don’t have too many models on the field, making them tougher is never bad! However, you have to cast on an 8 or higher to make your War Dogs get the save.

Chaos Knights Psychic Powers 2

This inclement empiric weather also has offensive applications. The delightfully named Spitesquall conjures a hateful deluge of warp-tainted rain with the undesirable side effect of dragging enemy souls into the warp. The targeted unit may neither fire Overwatch nor Set to Defend, presumably due to their chattering teeth and tormented spirits.

You’ll also need to keep a tally for that unit, adding one every time a model is destroyed. At the end of each phase, if the unit is still on the battlefield, you roll one D6 for each tally mark, and for each roll of 5+ the unit suffers one Mortal Wound as the daemonic damp claims another victim. The tally rests at the end of each phase, so you’ll need to coordinate your attacks to deal maximum damage.

This is interesting as, over time, you can build up the Mortals. However, right upfront, you will most likely deal less damage than a normal Smite. But over time, or even in one phase, this could deal more, but you have to destroy a model in the unit. So this won’t really help against a single big model.

Here’s all the latest on the all the new Chaos Knights rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date look at the new Chaos Knights rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition 40k rules from their codex!

Click Here for all the Newest GW Model Previews

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