New Horus Heresy Salamanders Rules & Rumors Revealed

vulkan primarch walNew Horus Heresy Salamanders rules are here along with their rumored legion and Primarch rules for Vulkan as well!

With the release of the starter and new edition imminent, it’s time for GW to start revealing rules. This time around, they are focusing on the Salamanders, but we’ve also seen some Horus Heresy playtest rumors for them.

So while they might change a little, the playtest versions have been pretty accurate so far.

Warhammer Community showed off some new legion-specific rules for the Salamanders so let’s check them out!

New Horus Heresy Salamanders Rules & Rumors Revealed

Blood of Fire

The Salamanders’ home is a volcanic death world, eternally locked in a cycle of tidal upheavals that cause fire to literally rain from the sky. Not exactly a prime holiday destination. You need more than sun cream to survive on Nocturne, and the XVII Legion’s gene-seed only intensifies this Blood of Fire, giving each Salamander a preternatural resistance to flames. And microwaves. And superheated plasma. And Martian death rays.

This gives them a decent amount of toughness against flame attacks, and anything that isn’t a single wound marine will be grabbing a 6+ FNP.

Salamanders Rules

Just imagine the look on a Traitor’s face when a point-blank blast from a meltagun only makes his target angrier! Unluckily for anyone trying to duck behind a barricade, the XVIII Legion also gives as good as they get. Their fine craftsmanship infuses even their basic flamers with a deadly Dragon’s Breath – if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of template range. 

Increasing the Wall of Death not only makes it deal possibly way more hits, but when you’re stuck with no other option, it just makes your flamers that much stronger on average.

Salamanders Primarch: Vulkan 

Salamanders Rules 2

They didn’t show off new primarch rules for Vulkan, but we’ve seen rumored ones so take them with a grain of salt as they could change, but look spot on based on the confirmations by Games Workshop above.

Vulkan RulesFirst up, his stats are good when compared with the other Primarchs, and his Warlord Trait will give your whole army Stubborn and give you an extra reaction. Plus, he has a 4+ it will not die, which just makes sense for Vulkan!

Vulkan Rules 2He gets a 2+/3+, and S10 Weapon with AP1, and a pistol that does D6 (if you hit) hits with the lance special rules! So overall, he’s going to be a monster on the battlefield and is costed fairly normally for a Primarch.

Legion Specific Salamanders Horus Heresy Rules Rumors

Salamanders Rules 3As you can see, the rules from GW match this, so it gives credibility to the rest of these Hours Heresy Salamander legion rules “rumors”. Next, their advanced reaction will give them a ton of extra power when being charged, however, you can lose minis if you do this. It’s one of those times you don’t want to roll 6’s!

Salamanders Rules 4They have some interesting Warlord Traits, but why not just take Vulkan? Oh yeah, points probably…

Salamanders Rules 5There are some interesting ways to build your army, but each does have its own drawback.

Firedrake squadConsidering they are terminators, they are pretty good, however, their real strength comes in with all their special rules and the weapons they can take.

Firedrake squad 2They can be used as a retinue and getting to re-roll all failed hit to rolls in melee with Nocturne weapons will ensure they are hitting basically everything!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the new rules and rumors for Horus Heresy Salamanders so far?