New Horus Heresy Ultramarines Rules & Rumors Revealed

GW revealed some Horus Heresy Ultramarines previews but we’ve also seen a ton of rumors for their legion rules as well- here is the latest!

With the release of the starter and new edition imminent, it’s time for GW to start revealing rules. This time around, they are focusing on the Ultramarines, but we’ve also seen some Horus Heresy playtest rumors for them.

So while they might change a little, the playtest versions have been pretty accurate so far.

Warhammer Community showed off some new legion-specific rules; let’s check them out!

New Horus Heresy Ultramarines Rules & Rumors Revealed

Ultramarines rules

The XIII Legion gene-seed was noted for instilling its recruits with supremely balanced military minds, vigorous one moment and cautious the next. They employed the Strength of Wisdom to fight as one cohesive whole, combining firepower with nearby comrades to destroy the enemy piece by piece.

This is kind of hard to stack on more than two units (plus the one doing the initial shooting); however, if you can shoot first with a character, it can easily be in range of a bunch of units.

Ultramarines rules 2

Ultramarines commanders devise battle plans like Space Wolves have feasts, so their armies always have a Plan B, C, and D. With a good solid radio and the Logos Lectora to hand, the eminently adaptable XIII Legion can run when they need to, shoot when they need to, and get stuck in when they need to.

These are all pretty cool, and being able just to buff up your whole army (or a lot of it), is super strong!

Roboute Guilliman Rules

Ultramarines rules 3

They didn’t show off rules, but we’ve seen playtest rules, so take them with a grain of salt as they could change, but look pretty good.

Primarchs Horus Heresy 13


Primarchs Horus Heresy 14Bobby G is the one still around, but he looks plenty strong even this long ago, and has tons of weapons to boot!

Ultramarines Legion Specific Rules

Ultramarines legion rulesYou can either make your warlord tougher, give your leadership, gain extra reactions, or once per battle gain a special reaction.

Ultramarines rulesThis is a cool way to gain extra special rules, just remember you can’t select the same one twice in a row.

Ultramarines legion rules 2With plenty of attacks and WS, these guys are going to smash through people, plus, they already have some decent wargear, but can all take Thunder Hammers!

Ultramarines legion rules 3They actually buff up the other units around the, and as honor bearers, they can be a retinue.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about the new rules and rumors for Horus Heresy Ultramarines so far?