New Imperial Knight, Sisters, Chaos, & Kill Team LATEST

By Caitlyn Cumberland | September 10th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Celestine Returns! Sisters of Battle Cosplay

New rules, releases, rumors, and more coming at you from the weekend. Check out what you may have missed in the world of Sisters, Chaos, and Kill Team!

Were you paying attention this weekend? So many things happened! Check out new announcements from Games Workshop, new rumors/confirmations on Sisters, Chaos, and more.

Next Week From GW: Canis Rex & Beasts of Chaos

minotaur beast of chaos warhammer

Games Workshop is dropping some heavy hitters and restocking the shelves with old favorites. At the top of the list: Canis Rex & Beasts of Chaos for Age of Sigmar!

40k Kill Team Rogue Trader Rules LATEST

rogue trader kill team

All the new 40k Kill Team: Rogue Trader previews are out. Come see the latest on the Gellerpox and the Elucidian Starstriders that are hitting tabletops soon!


GW’s 2018 Rumors & Release Roadmap LATEST

sister-walpaper lg

Looking at GW’s latest previews and rumors, the release roadmap for Q4 2018 is starting to snap into place. Check out what may be coming in the next months!

RUMORS: 2 Mysterious Model Pics are Turning Heads

ork shaman wal

Two new model pics were spotted floating around the internet this morning. Take a look at what could be in our future for AoS and Blood Bowl.

Are Sisters of Battle Really Getting Primaris Marines?

Sisters of Battle

Sisters of Battle have been the hot topic recently, and now there’s some talk going around of Sisters getting Primaris Models. But are they really though?

RUMORS: New Abaddon & Obliterator Models

abaddon chaos beetter

If you love Chaos and are tired of all these Knights on the 40k dance floor, the latest rumors say a new Abaddon and Obliterator models may be on the way!

celestine cosplay

Top Celestine Cosplay by Polinavish

New Imperial Knight, Sisters, Chaos, & Kill Team LATEST

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week. We’ll have it all here on Spikey Bits for you

rogue trader skirmish

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop

About the Author: Caitlyn Cumberland