New January Infinity Miniatures From Corvus Belli

Infinity Feature hor walIf you’re already looking for new Infinity minaitures, then the January lineup might just be perfect for you- check it out!

With the new Infinity edition in full swing, it’s time to start adding some new units to your forces! Word on the street is the game is getting easier to get into, so if you’ve been thinking about trying it out, now is the time!

These new releases give you a unique way to add more minis to your forces. Remember that these will be released in late January, but not that far away now. 

So get those hobby dollars saved if you want to hop on any pre-orders. Like all of their minis, these are super detailed and make fun painting projects even if you don’t play.

Shasvastii Expansion Pack Alpha: €41.95

January Infinity releases

The Shasvastii Expeditionary Force distinguishes itself with an abundance of light troops who exploit the Shasvastii skills for concealment, deception, and treachery. This is done to achieve a maximum amount of fear and paranoia in the hearts and minds of their enemies.

January Infinity releases 2

With this box, you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Shasvastii collection you started with the Shasvastii Action Pack.

  • 1x MENTOR (Shock Marksman Rifle)
  • 1x HAIDUK (MULTI Sniper Rifle)
  • 1x CADMUS-SOLDIER Hacker

Corregidor Fireteam Pack Alpha: €32,95

January Infinity releases 3

Corregidor knew how to reap the profit of its history to build its future. From the ashes of the African Road Wars rose the lethal and fearsome Wildcats, specialized in killing the enemy. While the Evaders are recruited from the best operators of the Corregidor space industry.

January Infinity releases 4

The perfect support for your Corregidor Fireteam, adding extra firepower to the Nomad force from your Operation: Crimson Stone

  • 1x WILDCAT (Heavy Rocket Launcher)
  • 1x WILDCAT (Combi Rifle)
  • 1x EVADER (Feuerbach)
  • 1x TinBot

Hlökk Station Scenery Expansion Pack: €29,95 

January Infinity releases 5

With this expansion pack, you can complement and expand the scenery from your Operation: Crimson Stone.

January Infinity releases 6

This 3mm cardboard scenery pack, two-sided printed, includes an Objective room, two small buildings, a sniper tower, a console, two bridges, two staircases, an inner ladder, an inner walkway, and a 24×32 inch paper gaming mat.

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