Klaw & His New Rules Reverberate Into Marvel Crisis Protocol

Klaw & M'Baku Marvel Crisis Protocol featureKlaw reverberates into Marvel Crisis Protocol with these new character card rules straight from Atomic Mass Games! 

The character pack has hit pre-order, so it’s good to know what he can do before you buy! First, check out the new expansion, then jump into the latest rules from AMG!

If you read this after July 14th, 2023, this expansion set should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, click on the header of your choice below. Let’s take a closer look at the new set! 

Klaw & M’Baku Character Pack: $39.99

Click here to order yours: | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

Klaw & M'Baku Marvel Crisis ProtocolThey are doing a huge Wakanda expansion to the game, and these are just the tip of the iceberg for all the new stuff. There will also be new terrain and a few more character packs as well. So plenty to watch out for still.

If you missed the previews from Adepticon 2023, be sure to check them out right here.

Klaw & M'Baku Marvel Crisis Protocol 2Here’s what they have to say about the new pack:

Two new characters with ties to the kingdom of Wakanda enter Marvel: Crisis Protocol in this new pack! Existing as a sentient sound-form, Ulysses Klaw terrorizes the world with a sound generator capable of creating high-volume sonic waves and blasts of concussive force. 

Klaw & M'Baku Marvel Crisis Protocol 3

New Klaw Rules Reverberate Into Marvel Crisis Protocol

Klaw Marvel Crisis Protocol rules

Klaw has a very strong focus for his suite of attacks. He only has access to Energy attacks, but you’re not going to be disappointed by what you’re about to hear. His main attack, Sonic Blast, is a Range 3 attack that will provide him power equal to the damage he deals with the Strength 6 hit. The attack also has a set of punishing special rules attached to it that really amp up the utility of this attack. A Wild and Critical result will ensure the target character gains the Stun special condition before damage is dealt, which prevents them from gaining more than a single power for damage from the attack. It also has the Suppressive special rule which forces the enemy character to lose a Power for each Wild in the attack roll. Klaw ensures his enemies suffer in every way!

He’s pretty tough with seven stamina on both sides of his card, has a bunch of immunities, and some powerful attacks. While he is a semi-high threat 5 to field and benefits more from his teammates with his leadership ability. Plus he can even destroy the average terrain feature with his beam attack which is pretty wild!

Klaw Marvel Crisis Protocol rules 2

Klaw is not a boss that does much for his cronies, he’s all about what they can do for him. He’s also very possessive of his assets, which is demonstrated in his Leadership, Black Market Entrepreneur. This Leadership may seem simple at first, but the options it can provide to reposition a character of this strength is sure to provide a puzzle to the other player. When an allied character is Dazed or KO’d, Klaw may Advance Short. Your opponent is going to have to think twice about taking out Klaw’s henchmen since they’ll never know where Klaw will end up!

Reconstitute Form is Klaw’s first superpower. This Active superpower allows Klaw to spend 2 power to reform his body and shrug off portions of the damage that his enemies have snuck through. This superpower ensures that even if the crowd isn’t asking for it, he’s going to be sure to deliver an encore they won’t soon forget!

As we hinted at above, he doesn’t care too much about his underlings, as gets to advance when allies are dazed or KO’d; Plus, he can push enemies away and gains power when targeted and remove two damage for just two power!

Overall, he has some pretty interesting rules, and perhaps the three tactics cards in this expansion will do even more for him!

Team Tactics Cards

M’Baku Marvel Crisis Protocol rules

When it comes to the Team tactics cards in this expansion, M’Baku is good at supporting other Wakanda characters and can buff up their attacks while getting free movement. Then, other Wakanda affiliation characters can gain a bunch of different effects, and lastly, Klaw can play Supersonic Shred and just deal all sorts of damage!

Click Here to Get Your New Marvel Crisis Protocol Minis!

Will you be picking this Klaw Marvel Crisis Protocol character pack up? Do you like the rules so far?

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