New Nurgle Pusgoyle Teaser Arrives

By James Rodriguez | December 29th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Death Guard Nurgle Wal HorIt’s the new Blightlords turn in the Seven Days of Nurgle series. Come take a look at the latest miniature gifts, and find out what’s next for 2018!

Games Workshop is going strong in the Seven Days of Nurgle giving us a look at the new Pusgoyle Blightlords for day five. Let’s check out the new minis and see what they had to say about them.

Pusgoyle Blightlords are the shock cavalry of the Rotbringers army, combining the speed of a unit of Plague Drones with the durability and martial prowess of the Putrid Blightkings. These are the elite of the Rotbringers, and they allow you to flank enemies, control space and dash onto objectives at the last minute, giving you a much wider tactical toolbox when using the Nurgle army!

Nurgle Puscoyle Blightlords

In the Pusgoyle Blightlords kit, you’ll also find the option to build a Lord of Affliction, who, like the Lord of Blights, is a new leader for Nurgle armies, with abilities designed to aid the rest of your Pusgoyle Blightlords and inflict mortal wounds on your foes.

Nurgle fans will now have a great time hobbying the new Pusgoyle Blightlords, and it even has an optional build for the Lord of Affliction in the kit. The Lord of Affliction will be a great addition to your army aiding the rest of your Pusgoyle Blightlords and inflicting mortal wounds. Who doesn’t like inflicting mortal wounds on their opponent? There’s still two more days of Nurgle ahead of us, so make sure you’re checking back when they preview even more.

Here’s some of our predictions for how we’ll see the new models when they finally hit the shelf:

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Blight Rider type models, again like the Beasts, appear to have a basic rider and mount type frame that can be changed out with different “heads” and or “torsos”.

These appear to have nothing to do with 40k armament wise, leading us to speculate early on as to the AoS slant to the release. Plague drones are $60 for a kit of 3, and I imagine these fellas will follow suit with that same style of offering this January.

What do you think about the new Lord of Blights mini? Are you going to be adding itto your army? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.

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