New Plastic Deimos Predator CONFIRMED (well, kind of…)

plastic-Deimos-predatorIt looks like a Plastic Deimos Predator is coming to Horus Heresy sooner than we thought, here are all the details.

You may remember when we looked at the new sprues in the Horus Heresy starter box, we saw that the Spartan tank sprues would work perfectly for a new Land Raider Proteus.

Now with the plastic Deimos Rhino here, we noticed something on the Kratos tank that would make it super easy for GW to add one new sprue, and bam, yet another new plastic new tank!

This time a plastic Deimos Predator!

New Plastic Deimos Predator CONFIRMED (well, kind of…)

Deimos Pattern RhinoSo, this is the new Deimos Rhino and it has always been a similar kit to the Deimos Predator. The good news is that it looks like the weapons are already here (and potentially in your hands) to make the Predator kit as well.

Kratos Heavy tank


Look no further than the Kratos tank that has already been released. It’s sponson sprue is a perfect match for a Deimos Predator!

As you can see, the sponson sprue in the Kratos actually has all the weapons on sponsons that we had seen for a Demios Predator from Forge World. Plus size-wise this sprue would work perfectly for a new plastic Deimos Predator!

Now, let’s look at how easily they could make a Predator kit from this:


As you can see, the sponsors above on the Kratos could easily work for a predator, the only thing left to make the kit would be hatch mounts, and a turret sprue with all those weapon options as well.

Chassis-wise, it’s quite obviously the same as a Deimos Rhino which means that they could re-use the existing bottom and track sprue.  The only issue would be left to replace the top hatch and sides. This seems easily doable with a single sprue if you compare it to the other Rhino sprue below:

PredatorThis is the current side and top sprue for the Deimos Rhino, which GW could easily re-tool with the beveled front hatch and weapon mounts instead of the side clamshell hatches. Counting the one existing hatch and tread sprue Deimos Rhino sprue they could leave intact, they would only need two new sprues (this one and a turret sprue) to produce a Deimos Predator kit.

deimos predator 2

So, what does this mean? Well, it seems like it would take GW very little effort to produce a plastic Deimos Predator kit with most of the options we have seen from Forge World in the past.  Plus they could even include the new plastic hatch and combi-weapon sprue that both the Kratos and Rhino released with too.

From the looks of it, GW will be releasing plenty of other plastic vehicle kits for the line, so with a little luck, we may see a new predator soon too!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

Would you like to see a Plastic Deimos Predator? 

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