New Reinforcement & Rules For Age of Sigmar 3.0

Age-of-sigmar-3.0-wal-hor-title-rulesNew reinforcement rules along with additional ways to build your army coming along with new ways to build your army, for Age of Sigmar 3.0!

Warhammer Community just unveiled a bunch of new rules for the upcoming edition. There were leaks about a ton of new rules, which we covered here, including things like 40k style detachments. These new rules focus on how to actually build your armies for a game and how big of units you can take.

This could really change up your lists because if you want to take more than the minimum amount of minis, you will have to decide which units are bigger. Because you only are allowed so many reinforced units per list, which changes based on the game size. 

Plus, we already know the release date and pricing for the new 3.0 edition of AoS and Dominion Starter box! Meaning these rules will be in your hands in just a few weeks.

Age of Sigmar new rulebookIs this really going to be the best ever? We’ll have to wait and see on that!

Check out the rest of the rule reveals so far below:

Aos Dominion Pricing & Lineup For July

New Reinforcement & Army Creation Rules For AoS 3.0

First, let’s look at what type of units you can actually take in your games, then get into how the new reinforced units will actually work.

contest of GeneralsThe Contest of Generals battlepack in the Core Book is one such option, designed for matched play. It’s been carefully crafted to make your games as balanced as possible. Take a look at this chart to get a sense of how it’ll work.

We covered all about the new detachments you can take in the different battle sizes and types of detachment here, so go check that out if you need more context. The number of reinforced units you can take gets interesting when you look at how they work. In a 2000 point game, at most, you can have 4 units above the minimum number.

They do say the size of units will be different, but this is pushing the games towards MSU and away from horde armies. You’ll have to be much more selective now and decide which units you want to be big.

How Reinforced Units Work

Reinforced UnitsPerhaps you noticed the line from the Contest of Generals battlepack that mentioned reinforced units? These units are simply double the size of the minimum listed in their Pitched Battle profile. If the unit has the Battleline battlefield role, you can reinforce them twice, making them three times the minimum size. Now you can still run large hordes as long as you don’t exceed the available slots for reinforced units. The new ruleset allows each unit to benefit from only a single command ability at a time, so you’ll see a lot more synergy with multiple units working together, instead of budding generals putting all their eggs in one basket. You won’t feel quite as compelled to ‘max out’ every unit to make them effective. 

If they are a battleline unit, they can be basically three times the size of the minimum. If they are anything else, the biggest you can have is double the number of minis. Again though, the number of reinforced units you can have depends on the size of the battle. So if you move down to 1,500 points, you can take at most 3. This won’t affect certain factions, but if you played with just a bunch of big units, you’ll have to adjust your strategy for the new edition.

More Leaks

Reinforced Units 2This came from Imgur and has some big changes. If you do reinforce a battle line unit twice (to triple the number of minis), that counts as 2 reinforced units. Meaning at 2,000 points, you can only have another 2 reinforced units in your entire army.

So if you have two triple-size Battleline units, everything else in your army must be a minimum size. Lastly, you can include one of every type of unit as an understrength unit. Meaning you can run a few tiny squads if you want.

What do you think about the new unit restrictions and reinforcements rules for AoS 3.0? 

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