New Rogue Trader 40k Rules: War Zone Octarius

By Andrew Schrank | November 17th, 2021 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

octarius-critical-mass-rogue-trader-rulesNew Rogue Trader 40k Rules are here in War Zone Octarius for some of your favorite and independent Imperium allies!

With the Warzone Octarius supplement in hobbyists’ hands, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for factions focussed on in the book.  

These rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, Imgur, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Warzone Octarius book 2

Get Your War Zone Octarius Here

Since this is a little different than a standard faction codex or supplement, we’ve included the introduction below in case you are curious about how exactly the rules are applied to each faction.

Octarius critical mass rule sections

In this post, we will focus on the new Rogue Trader 40k rules, so let’s start by diving into their army-wide abilities.

New 40k Rogue Trader Army-Wide Abilities:

Octarius critical mass rogue trader abilitesThe Rogue Trader (aka Astra Cartographica) Faction abilities are all focused on being able to splash them with other Imperium models. Well once per detachment that is, which makes complete sense seeing as they are essentially a two-model faction.

New 40k Rogue Trader Warlord Trait Rules:

Octarius critical mass rogue trader warlord traitsThe actual first new rules we see for Rogue Trader in Octarius are three new Warlord Trait options. In our opinion, there is one clear winner here and that’s Master of High Society. This trait has the chance to get you a ton of extra CP through a game, meaning you will usually get to use more than your opponents!

New 40k Rogue Trader Octarius Rules Stratagems:

rogue traders stratagemsThe Rogue Traders received quite a few new Stratagem options in the book, with a total of 6 new options landing in players’ arsenals. Voilent Acquisition looks ok, but the requirement to hit something inside an objective makes it arguably worse than most other similar effects.

3dartguy ruler cropGet The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

A sleeper pick here is Master of the Void, since your probably going to splash Rogue Traders, you probably don’t want to select one as your warlord, however with this Stratagem, you can get that sweet CP engine for just a single CP investment, pretty much guaranteeing to pay for itself.

New 40k Rogue Trader Datasheets:

Cartographica Rogue Trader datasheetWithout explicitly saying it, the three loadout options are actually just the three main Rogue Trader models that we have from GW. Of the 3, the third looks the best, which is actually Janus Draik (from Blackstone Fortress). His rapier seems pretty decent and his access to Archeotech Grenades make him an inch ahead of the other options.

voidsmen-at-arms datasheetThere’s nothing too special about the Voidsmen-At-Arms, however, their Rotor-cannon does seem pretty decent, and assuming they are similarly costed as Imperial Guardsmen, they’ll probably be decently efficient.

They do have the unique ability to bring a “Canid”, which is actually a dog! Being able to plop down some extra mortals is always nice, but it might not be worth the cost depending on how much it is.

Speaking of points…

New 40k Rogue Trader Point Values:

rogue traders point valuesThe Rogue traders are only 60 pts and for a decent character with some special rules that’s not half bad, especially considering the potential to make them a self-paying CP engine in any imperium list! While the Voidsmen aren’t too exciting they are not too expensive and only 5 pts for the dog isn’t bad either, but at the end of the day, it’s realistically only 1 mortal wound for 5pts.

Overall it’s a great time to play 40k!  Need more on everything Warhammer? Here are the latest rules updates!

All the Latest 40k News & Rumors

What are your thoughts on all the new 40k Octarius Rogue Trader rules? Which is your favorite new option?

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