New Speed Freeks 40k Rules: War Zone Octarius

octarius-orks-rules-speed-freeks-criticial-mass-40kNew rules for Warhammer 40k Speed Freeks are here in War Zone Octarius for some of your favorite Kunnin and fast Orks!

With the Warzone Octarius supplement in hobbyists’ hands, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for factions focussed on in the book.  

These rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, Imgur, and Warhammer Community alike. So be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Warzone Octarius book 2

Get Your War Zone Octarius Here

Since the Octarius Critical Mass 40k rules supplement works a little differently than a standard faction codex or supplement, we’ve included the introduction below in case you are curious about how exactly the rules are applied to each faction.

Octarius critical mass rule sections

In this post, we will focus on the new Speed Freaks mob 40k rules, so let’s start by diving into their Army of Renown abilities.

New 40k Orks Speed Freeks Mob Army of Renown Rules:

octarius 2 speed freaks renownThis army of renown starts off a heavy restriction by preventing you from getting any troops. However, seeing some of the more recent Ork lists anyways, that might not be as big of a deal as it seems initially. To help balance the loss of Objective Secured, the Bikers gain it, essentially acting as the troop replacement.

Adrenaline Junkies Rules

Another huge factor is of course the ability Adrenaline Junkies which adds 1 to attacks after a charge or intervention, can advance and shoot as if it didn’t, AND gain a 6+ invulnerable save that’s upgraded to a 5+ if it advanced that turn! Overall a huge boon for relatively low costs.

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But that’s not all, the Army of Renown still has more to offer…

New 40k Speed Mob Jobs and Warlord Trait:

While both Kustom Jobs are certainly good, the Warlord trait is fantastic. Getting Speed King on your character for a re-roll bubble is a huge bonus, especially when the character has a large base like so many Ork Vehicles do, effectively increasing the range vs if it were a simply infantry-sized model.

Speed King Rule

Don’t get us wrong though, free mortals on Drag Chains and shooting in CQC with Raised Suspenshun are both great new options.

New 40k Speed Mob Octarius Rules Stratagems:

Looking at the six new stratagems for this Army of Renown, two are clear winners to us. CHAAAAARGE! gets you +1 S and an extra AP for all your Warbikers that Charge that turn, which you are mostly running a few of thanks to the addition of Objective Secure to bikers.  Additionally, 2CP really isn’t too high of a cost considering just how much extra damage you can get through thanks to it.

Second, there’s Attack Out O’ Da Sun’ which lets you redeploy a Deffkoptas unit at the end of your turn and place them back down during the Reinforcements step of your next turn. This is great because you get to fly in, deal your damage, and go essentially anywhere the following turn while being immune to clap back (since they are in reserves during your opponent’s turn)!

Overall it’s a great time to play Orks in40k!  Need more on everything Warhammer in 9th Edition? Here are the latest rules updates!

All the Latest 40k News & Rumors

What are your thoughts on all the new 40k Octarius Speed Freek Mob rules for Orks? 

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