New Silver Tower Follow On Game Just Announced!


Games Workshop just announced today that there will be a new follow on for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower. Let’s take a look.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar:

Warhammer Quest Hammerhal

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is set in the mortal realms of Age of Sigmar, and was an instant hit when it was released last year. Many people have been asking if there was going to be a follow up game, well your questions have been answered.

Simply put… Yes!

Shadows Over Hammerhal will be a stand alone game with a new group of new Heroes and Villains. You’ll explore labyrinths under the twin-tailed city of Hammerhal, a new freed city of Sigmar. Along with more narratives to take you even further into the games story line, there will also be a new set of challenges and quests for you, the gamer.

silver tower games close up

The announcement says the game is still a little ways off, so don’t get too excited too fast, we still have a nice amount of time before this game will see the light of day.

Until then make sure you keep an eye out, we will be posting updates as soon as we get them.

Want to know more about Silver Tower?